1. April-part 1

    Date: 7/16/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Cuckold, Cum Swallowing Female exhibitionist, Group Sex Males / Female, Older Female / Males, Teen Male / Female Author: Big Red One, Source: sexstories.com

    ... happy to lose his virginity to her and I would not mind sharing her if she ever wanted to.
    I’m not sure if she believed me or not but she would often get turned on at the attention she provoked in the boys whenever they were around.
    At 30 years old she was still “a Stunner” according to the boys.
    Back to the present,
    April hefted the wine sack filled with whisky and with my help slipped it into her crotch to check it would stay in place, she had to walk a bit bowlegged but our contraband should should make it past security at the concert and once she slipped on her high heels we headed for the train.
    We had to remove the wine bladder as it was too hard to walk with and waited until we were the entrance before slipping it back into hiding.
    The security pat down went fine and we enjoyed the concert ending up with both of us being quite tipsy by the time we jostled out way onto the crowded train for the ride home.
    It wasn’t long before April tugged my arm and I leaned down for her to whisper in a breathy giggle “I think he has an erection” indicating with her eyes behind her, “You sure? push back to be sure”. April shot me a questioning look but I grinned and she giggled and thrust her shapely butt back.
    “oh yeh, I’m sure” she giggled straightening up.
    “that turns me on so much, do it again” I breathed hoarsely
    “you sure?” she asked in wonder, I grabbed her hand and placed it on my erection “Yeh I’m sure” I moaned
    April watched my eyes as she ...
    ... carefully extended her butt back into his reach and after a few seconds I could tell by her movement that he was thrusting against her.
    After a couple of minutes we both heard the sound of a zip and April looked into my eyes again for reassurance, “describe everything he does” I croaked rubbing her hand over my throbbing cock trapped beneath my jeans.
    “Oh my god, he touched my bare skin with it … its pushed against my thighs … in the gap there … he’s thrusting it slowly against me”
    “Oh… its started slipping a bit … every time he pushes it slides more … oh … its getting really slippery … I’m not sure if that’s from him or me … I am really turned on”
    She let out a little squeak “he’s poked it against my panties and its right at my hole … its dragging the material against my clit … fuck it feels so nice … it … it feels almost like its inside me … I think his cock has pushed the material inside me … its … he’s thrusting into me … its like he’s fucking my pussy … oh … unghh … its so good …i’m gunna ...”
    All three of us were puffing, panting and moaning as he thrust against her, I could tell by the moaning and thrusting that he was about to cum against my wife’s welcoming pussy … then he more loudly groaned and stopped thrusting, April grunted squeezing my arm and my cock as she grunted and came on his cock the spasms rippling though her. I had to hold her up to stop her collapsing as she shuddered through her orgasm while mine teetered on the brink.
    After a few ...