1. April-part 1

    Date: 7/16/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Cuckold, Cum Swallowing Female exhibitionist, Group Sex Males / Female, Older Female / Males, Teen Male / Female Author: Big Red One, Source: sexstories.com

    April- part 1
    My new wife becomes a plaything for my Son and his friends.
    I laughed out loud as my beautiful young wife sashayed into out bedroom in just her underwear, The lacy black bra cupped her C cup breasts hardly needing the support the tiny bit of material offered, her long smooth legs led up tantalisingly to … what can only be described as “Granny Panties”.
    Although the legbands and the waistband were firmly tight the material of the wide crotch and full covering itself billowed out covering any hint of the shapely butt and smooth hairless lips that lay beneath the plain white exterior.
    “just perfect” I exclaimed with a grin as she pirouetted proudly with a huge smile.
    She picked up the short black dress from beside the unused lacy black G string and slipped the loose but shapely material over her head to complete the look, “don’t bend over to far and no one will notice” I said as she twirled for my inspection.
    Today marked 1 year since our wedding and the change from the downtrodden dowdy abused woman I first met to the bright confidant and sexy woman before me was truly remarkable.
    Her former abusive boyfriend would never allow such an outfit and the physical abuse he inflicted on her if she so much as glanced at another man still fills me with anger to this day, he may have looked impressive but as most bully’s are he quickly crumbled when I stepped in and hit him just the once at a work do after noticing her blacked eye again. I then took ...
    ... her home helped her pack her stuff and leave him.
    She could not go anywhere he knew of so she stayed with me and I offered my work colleague protection to and from work for several months until he finally gave up on trying to follow us home after myself and my teenage son trapped him and gave him a decent beating one night as he tried to find out where we lived by following us again … a few weeks in hospital finally got the message across.
    The one decent thing he did was allow April to get to know David and I and come to trust us by forcing her to live with us to escape him.
    It was about a year after she moved in with us when I carefully made a move on her and she reciprocated my feelings, we had grown to love one another deeply and she eagerly moved from her room to mine the very next day.
    David adored her partly because she treated him kindly like his Mother had before she died in a car accident but mostly because she didn’t tease him when he would occasionally got an unwanted erection around her.
    I think it helped the both of them as she felt wanted and proud she could turn him on so easily but trusted him not to try anything on her and she would sometimes “accidentally” give him some masturbation material.
    I made sure to let her know I felt proud of her effect on him and his bunch of mates and often encouraged her to “show a little” helping her to come out of her shell and be confident about her beauty.
    I often teased her that David would be more than ...