1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 06

    Date: 7/12/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans, Source: sexstories.com

    ... our tongues danced around with each other’s. Meanwhile Lucy’s fingers had found my clit and was slowly running little circles around it and over it. Instinctively, I spread my legs wide to give her total access to my pussy.
    Then Lucy broke the kiss and started kissing my neck then down my body. Stopping at my tits she licked, sucked and chewed my nipples whilst still driving me crazy toying with my clit.
    After a minute or so, Lucy’s mouth moved down my body, kissing me all over my abdomen as she went. Then she got to my bald mound and licked and kissed that. Then it all stopped and I opened my eyes to see that Lucy had slid down the bed and was getting between my legs.
    “Enjoy.” Lucy said just before her mouth engulfed my pussy.
    I moaned as Lucy’s tongue played with my clit, with short breaks during which her tongue penetrated my vagina.
    Not that Lucy needed to, but her hands were holding my legs wide apart, pushing them until I thought that they were passed the 90 degree angle to my torso.
    Then I felt some hands start playing with both my tits and I opened my eyes expecting to see Dylan, but it was Tom who was looking down on me as his wife ate my pussy. What’s more, he was naked and his hard cock and balls were hovering over my face.
    I lifted my head and licked his balls, wishing that I could have reached his cock.
    Lucy’s tongue was driving me crazy and I soon forgot about Tom as Lucy took me to the edge, then over it.
    “Move over Tom,” I heard ...
    ... Lucy say as I started to get my wits about me, “I want Esther on top of me.”
    I didn’t know what Lucy meant but it soon became clear as Lucy lay alongside me but with her head near my hips,
    “Straddle me.” Lucy said and I remembered the last time that Dylan had got me on top of him like that.
    I remembered my head going up and down on Dylan’s cock but Lucy doesn’t have a cock.
    “I’ve never eaten a girl before.” I said.
    “Just do what Dylan does to you.” Tom replied.
    I looked down at Lucy’s spread and very wet pussy. Her inner labia are much bigger than mine and her clit isn’t as big as mine but it still looked very inviting. I lowered my face and licked her slit from the front to as far back as I could go, my tongue just reaching her entrance.
    Lucy tasted nice and I started licking and sucking. I remembered the pleasure that Dylan gives me when he chews my clit so I did the same to Lucy.
    Meanwhile, one of Tom’s hands was between Lucy and me and was playing with one of my tits, and Lucy was licking and chewing me, getting me closer to cumming again.
    Lucy swore then let out a long groan as she pulled my hips down onto her face causing me to cum again. Both our bodies started shaking as we moaned.
    Strangely enough, I had the presence mind to worry about suffocating Lucy and I somehow managed to lift my hips and roll off Lucy.
    When I became more aware of my surroundings I heard Tom ask me if I was okay. I managed to nod my head but I was shattered. The ...