1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    ... didn't have the money for that. Our priorities will be a house site, our own water tank, and clearing a hundred or so acres to quickly get a crop in the ground. Before he left, Alf said that Harry should attend the next progress assoc. meeting and meet some of the other settlers. I am welcome to attend and mix with the other wives and make tea for the men. As we are just getting established, I don't have to bring a plate. That's good to know. My scones are like rocks. Good for throwing.
    "Clara sounds a bit feisty, doesn't she?"
    Daz smiled and slowly nodded. "Yep. She has lovely copperplate writing, but the implied sarcasm is strong with this one. I like her already."
    "Me too. You know she's been hovering just at the edge of my peripheral vision?"
    "Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. I've been getting the impression of someone watching us, so I figured it was her."
    "So what do we do? Admit we are talking about a ghost and invite her over for a drink?"
    "Something like that, I guess. I really don't know. I thought invitations only applied to vampires."
    "Don't say that! Hey, a day ago I thought Ghostbusters was fiction. Now, I'm not sure." Vicky cleared her throat and looked towards the house site. "Hey, umm, Clara. You're welcome to, umm, sit with us. If you sit... Sorry, umm, whatever you want. Just hang out, I guess. If you want to. No pressure."
    Daryl closed her eyes to barely a slit and slowly turned her head. "I can't see her. What ...
    ... about..."
    "OH SHIT!" Vicky exclaimed. "She kissed me! Clara gave me a full on pash on the cheek! Fucking hell, that is so weird."
    Daz's eyes snapped open and glanced around. "I think she must like you," she said, laughing. "Well Clara, welcome. I'm Daryl, and this is my good friend and obviously sexy redhead, Vicky. We're pleased to meet you. Umm, look, I don't know why you're still here, but we're doing some research on the old settlement for my university assignment. Also, I don't know if you know how much time has passed since you started writing this, but it's been about ninety years."
    A slight feeling of depression came and went.
    "How does she do that?" Vicky asked.
    Daryl just looked back with a raised eyebrow.
    "Yeah, point taken. I need a shot. Want one?"
    "Oh yes. Better pour three. It would be rude to exclude our guest."
    Vicky chuckled and retrieved the bottle of tequila. "I don't know if this was popular in your day, Clara, but it makes whisky look like lolly water." She handed a mug to Daryl and placed another on the ground. Vicky raised her mug towards the distant chimney. "To absent friends. Skol!"
    The two alive women knocked back the harsh alcohol and coughed. "Smooth..." gasped Vicky.
    "It was better off your booby," Daz said with a chuckle. "Oh, um, Clara? Just letting you know, we may get a bit more... friendly than what you were used to."
    "Daz, I think it was Clara stroking my hair," Vicky said, tapping her lip. "It wasn't you, and that kiss ...