1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    ... the first tranche of offers and seems to have made it his mission to make sure that all newcomers are made welcome. He made a point of mentioning all the works that the Gov. are performing to ensure our success. Harry is enthusiastic. I'm less so. Apart from the magnificent rail bridge over the Murray, there seems to be a lack of railway track. Similarly with the irrigation system which we will heavily rely on. I have worked in hospitals where we were promised the world and received a pittance. I sincerely hope my misgivings are wrong.
    The two women looked at each other. A light breeze had picked up, and the area seemed much more pleasant.
    "This is amazing," Daryl said, flicking through the notebook. "I can't wait to tell my professor about this. Every archaeologist dreams of finding a significant piece of a site's history, but rarely do."
    "I can't believe a ghost led us here. That's really freaky."
    "It wasn't a ghost," Daryl said firmly. "No such thing. And before you say something else, I don't know what. C'mon, let's get back to the car."
    With that, a wave of infinite sadness descended over the two. To Vicky, it seemed like the whole clearing had faded to a desperate shade of magenta. She looked around, tears unexpectedly starting to form, and spotted a grey figure with her head bowed at the edge of the clearing. Taking a deep breath, she said, "Clara, we are just going to get some food. You know where we are camping. Visit us there, ok?"
    The ...
    ... figure seemed to nod, and the pall of gloom dissipated.
    "Explain that," Vicky said.
    Daryl slowly shook her head. "I can't." She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. "Well, looks like you've made a new friend. Let's get back to camp. To be honest, I really don't care about looking at anything else now. This diary is more important."
    17 Mar
    Mylatchie. It doesn't look any different to the twenty miles of scrub we passed. Between Benanee and Koorakee we saw signs of industrious settlers going about their business. Plumes of smoke which Harry said was from burning of the bush, some ploughed paddocks, and a few rough houses. Alf said the first two selections were pretty much all taken up but in his opinion the land we have is some of the best in the settlement. Industrious farmers have achieved an av. return of around 7 bags of wheat per acre, which Harry thinks is quite good. I'll have to trust him on that. He's the farmer.
    21 Mar
    Our piece of Australia for only £25/2/6 per year. We have set up camp about 500 yards from the Mylatchie tank, which has recently been completed. It is about half full of clean water, so that's one of my concerns allayed. I've had enough dysentery caused by bad water to last a lifetime. Alf showed us a corner post for our property and said that a similar marker has been placed at each corner. I had thought about fencing it all first, but Harry laughed at me. He said there was about 11,000 yards of wire netting needed, and we ...