1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    ... disappointed it didn't have chocolates like those on the lid."
    "If there's chocolate still in here, it's well past its use by date. This has to be a hundred years old." Daryl turned the tin over, and something clanked inside. "Definitely not chocolate."
    "No. But why hide that? There must be something important in it."
    "Guess so. Only one way to find out." Daryl delicately nudged the lid of the tin until it came off. "Oh wow. I didn't expect this," she whispered and held up three medals.
    "A soldier lived here?"
    "A nurse, I'd say." Daryl showed her a small black and white photo of two women, one with a cross on her white bib, standing in front of a tent. She turned the photo over. "Lemnos, 1915. I wonder where that is?"
    "Greece, I think. Mum buys a Greek feta called Lemnos. Can I have a look?"
    "Sure," said Daryl and passed the photo over.
    "Wow, I wonder why... Oh, shit." Vicky gasped and pointed a quivering finger at the larger of the two women in the photo. "It's her. I. Saw. Her!"
    "No, couldn't be. That's impossible."
    Vicky slapped her friend's arm. "I know that, but I'm telling you what - who I saw, and she's it. A tall woman about your size wearing a long grey dress with what looked like a tank top, except it was that white bib!" She stared at the photo, desperately hoping it would magically enhance itself. "Who are you?"
    "Clara Lucas, I'd say. This is her diary," Daryl said, holding up a book. She frowned and looked around the clearing. ...
    ... "Hey, is it just me or has something changed? It doesn't feel as - oppressive."
    "Yeah, you're right. Huh." Vicky bit her bottom lip and also looked around. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but should we look around, or maybe read that diary. It might help figure out what's going on."
    "I suppose. It is bloody strange the way things happened and I'd really like some answers."
    "We saw a ghost?"
    "No. We did not. Got to be something else."
    "Ok. Let's find some shade and start reading."
    15 Mar 1929
    I hate diaries. I don't know why I started a new one now, except this will likely be the last chapter of my life and I will need something to fill my days in.
    So here I am, waiting in our lorry while Harry meets the local representative of the Western Division. A few signatures and 1300 acres of mallee scrub will be ours to farm.
    God help me.
    2 pm
    Well, Euston has more facilities than I expected for such a young village. I explored the shops while the men went to the pub to celebrate our future success. I was politely told I could not join them. Really? What idiot thinks that a 42 year old woman having a drink with her husband to mark their arrival would corrupt the local men? Probably those of the same mentality who sent thousands of boys to their doom fighting over a couple of yards of mud.
    An affable man, Alf L'Hotellier, from the Benanee Progress Assoc. has kindly offered to show us to our lease. He was one of the original settlers in ...