1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    ... dropped to just above the trees and was zipping between Daryl and the tree line. "I can't control it. Bloody thing is just doing what it wants."
    "Oh, shit. Daryl..." Vicky placed an arm around her waist and pointed. "That is not a coincidence."
    "Fuck no. What the hell is going on?" The vegetation directly under the drone shook violently, like an invisible person was pushing through it. The drone disappeared over the trees, then returned to the edge of the clearing.
    "What's it doing?" Vicky asked.
    "No idea, but I think I'd better follow it. Someone's managed to take control and it looks like they want me to follow it. It'll run out of battery in about twenty minutes, then I'll grab it and let's get the hell out of here."
    "Well, you're not leaving me here. I'm coming too."
    "Ok," Daryl said, watching the drone race to the north west, then slowly return. "Grab the pack with some water and your phone. You seem to have better reception than me."
    Vicky quickly picked up everything while Daryl warily watched the drone. "Right, let's go," Vicky said.
    Daryl nodded and strode out to the edge of the clearing. "If I find the person who's doing this, they'd better have a real good excuse before I break something important on them." The thought of losing a $4,000 piece of equipment outweighed her confusion about how someone had hacked the thing.
    They worked their way through the trees, the buzz of the machine always just ahead of them. Occasionally Daryl punched ...
    ... the buttons of the controller and cursed when it didn't respond. After about fifteen minutes they broke through to a clearing where the drone had dropped to head height, then fell to the ground as the propellers stopped.
    "Finally, the fucker is out of power," Daryl panted. She walked up to the drone and curiously looked at the remains of a stone fireplace. "Odd... Why here?"
    Vicky hurried up to her and looked around. "I guess there was a house here years ago. I wonder what happened to it?"
    "More to the point, why are we here?" Daryl cupped her hands to her mouth and boomed, "HELLO! ANYONE AROUND?"
    Even more silence.
    Daryl scratched her head and chuckled nervously. "Well, whoever took control wants us here, I guess. Let's have a quick look around before we fuck off and never come back."
    "Sounds good to me," said Vicky. "This place is giving me the creeps, and I don't know why."
    Daryl nodded as she examined the remains of the fireplace. "Yeah. I feel like something unbearably sad happened here, but that's impossible. It's just a... Hello, what's this?"
    Vicky peered around Daryl as she took photos of the stonework. "Whatcha find?"
    "This stone is loose. See, timber wedges, not mortar." Daryl carefully gripped the stone and tugged, revealing a cavity behind it. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" She took a couple more photos before lifting out a flat tin box.
    "Wow. My Nan had a tin like that for her embroidery threads," Vicky said, "I was really ...