1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    Thanks for reading myPink Orchid 2024 for Women-Centric Erotica Challenge story. It may be fiction, but the facts behind it are real. The Benanee Settlement District was an attempt to open up a large area of south west New South Wales to agriculture, which failed miserably and was subsequently erased from history, apart from newspaper articles of the time. Nurses who volunteered to go to war worked in atrocious conditions, and when they returned were completely forgotten by their country and expected to go back to being doting housewives.
    This is my small acknowledgement to both of these historical travesties.
    The three women, Jo, Daryl, and Vicky pop up in a couple of other of my non-lesbian stories. This is a prelude to those.
    (Riverina Recorder, 3 July 1912 -400,000 ACRES OF LAND TO BE IRRIGATED. A RIVAL TO MILDURA!
    Mr Beeby recently announced the Government's intention to carry out an enormous scheme of redeeming 400,000 acres of land now useless, by conserving the Murray River waters.)
    "Well, that sucks," Daryl growled as she slammed the lid of her laptop.
    Vicky looked up from her text book, the beanbag she was sitting in slowly enveloping her small frame. "Ok. Anything specific, or just things in general?"
    "The Fuckulty has decreed that as of next year, the only electives allowed will be those that have some relationship to our course."
    "That does sound sucky. So?"
    "I was promised that archaeology would run next year, but I'll have ...
    ... to think of something different now. Damn! It really looked like fun."
    "Oh. It's a bit rude to do that so late in the year. Guess that means Creative Writing 201 is not on your list of acceptable subjects either."
    "No. Which I'm also not happy about. I was having fun writing, well, you writing about LittleRed and her friends with Jo and me testing scenarios with you."
    "Mmm. Yeah. Certainly makes a Saturday night go quickly. And cheaply."
    "Thank god for high speed internet and porn in hi-def. Anyway, so now I have to pick another cruddy subject I really don't want to do. Fuck me..."
    "Not now. I've got too much study. And please get another bag of beans in this. It might be fine for your big arse, but it swallows me," Vicky said, struggling to stand. Daz laughed, reached under her armpits and lifted her straight up. "Thanks. Anyway, do you have the promise in writing?"
    Daryl frowned, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've got the original email. Why?"
    "Go for something like Breach of Contract. Dunno if it'll work, but it's worth a try."
    (Riverina Recorder, 8 May 1912 -THE BENANEE LAKE SCHEME
    The proposal is to cut the land up into blocks varying from 1000 to 3000 acres, sufficient to give each man 300 or 400 acres for cultivation and enough grazing land to carry 1000 sheep. Mr Beeby has practically promised to find the money for the experiment.)
    Vicky was in the Uni cafeteria with a few of her classmates when she was lifted out of her chair, spun 180, ...