1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    ... proves she can interact. Who else could it have been?"
    "I guess. I don't know what to think anymore. Anyway, there's about four years of entries in her diary. Will I just open it at random and read?"
    "Yeah, although I get the strong feeling you should close your eyes and flick through it, and stop when it feels right."
    "Ok, let's give that a shot."
    22 April 1929
    The house is coming along. I've had to learn carpentry skills, as Harry is busy either digging out the tank or clearing a paddock. At least I know how to use a saw. Cutting timber is much more pleasant than sawing through some poor man's limb that's been blown off.
    Why do these thoughts keep coming back? I had hoped they would fade but they seem to have returned with a vengeance. At least Harry's night terrors seem to have calmed down. Moving out of Melbourne has definitely been good for his health and his sanity. The dutiful wife just follows, no matter what she thinks of the venture.
    Reading back, I think I'd better hide this diary. Some of my musings are not what a prim and proper woman should be writing about.
    27 April
    It's fucking hot. It has to be over 80 with no breeze to be had, and we are supposed to be in Autumn.
    There. I feel so much better. Anyone that doesn't like me swearing can FOQ.
    My fireplace, my secret hole.
    My hole...
    Annie, I miss you.
    Daryl looked up. "I wonder who Annie was?"
    "Dunno. Maybe the other woman in the photo? I'd say ...
    ... they were Army nurses, going by that saw remark."
    "Yeah, and the medals. They were World War One issue." Daryl shook her head sadly. "I think Clara was there at the start and made it through to the end. Poor girl. She must have seen some awful things."
    "And her husband was probably a soldier. Hard to think of the horrors he went through. I wonder how they met?"
    3 May 1929
    Just over 110 acres of wheat planted. We borrowed a team from Mr. Davis, who has been here for some time. His team is in excellent condition, and Harry and he put in about 12 acres per day. Now we wait for rain.
    28 May
    Please rain.
    4 June
    I have finished my house! Well, it's just one big room so far but I did it. Harry is chuffed that I pulled it off, and he could concentrate on the manly job of rolling and burning that damned scrub. I don't care. That bloody canvas horror can be burnt with it. I don't want to see another tent ever again.
    I think I'll make some tea and sit at my new table. Next, I'll try to make scones that don't resemble cricket balls.
    13 July
    Rain you fooker.
    5 August 1929
    Finally, some rain. About 30 points, which has improved Harry's being. It's only light, but we are all hopeful that there will be more soon.
    19 September 1929
    The BPA has received word that the pumping station will soon fill the channels and our tanks. It should have been in operation earlier. Carting water twenty miles because the ...