1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    ... you?"
    "Here. Behind you. Why?"
    "Oh... I thought you were..." Vicky squinted and looked towards the setting sun. "Over there? Huh. I was sure I saw you come out of the trees."
    "Nope. I've been poking around here. Might have been a roo?" Daryl said and walked over to where Vicky was pointing.
    Vicky shook her head. "No, I don't think so. It looked like a woman about your height, and definitely had a white tank top on, like yours."
    "Really? I didn't hear a car or anything." Daryl turned and yelled, "HELLO! ANYONE ELSE HERE?"
    Absolute silence replied.
    "Weird. I'll send up the drone and have a look around. It's not that I doubt you saw something, but..."
    "You think I imagined it. Maybe I got a bit too much sun, I don't know. I probably just dreamt that I saw something."
    Daryl wrapped her arms around Vicky and hugged. "You saw something. No doubt. I was going to say I want to make sure we're alone. I'd be ok if someone wandered up and said hello, but sneaking around... Well, that's just unfriendly."
    She went back to her Subaru and unpacked the drone. Vicky was pretty level headed, so Daz was sure she had seen someone, or something. That made her nervous, but no one would be out here without a car. A quick aerial view would hopefully spot anyone lurking in the scrub or their vehicle.
    Vicky followed her back and sat in the car. The more she thought about it, the less convinced she was. The image had lasted less than a second and was at the edge of ...
    ... her peripheral view. It had to have been a trick of the eye, or a random swirl of dust.
    "Fuck, come on drone, behave yourself."
    Vicky got out and squinted towards the hum. "What's wrong?"
    "Oh, this bloody thing decided to glitch. It stopped moving and jerked around for a bit, but it seems to be behaving itself now." Daryl pushed a button on the controller and the whirring got louder as the machine returned to her feet. "Can't see anything out there, Vick, so I don't know. Are you okay staying here, or would you prefer heading back to town?"
    "Nah, stay here. I guess I'm just hot and tired, so my imagination decided to play a trick on me."
    "Well, ok. It's getting late. Let's find a good spot and get set up. I'm hungry and a bit thirsty."
    "Same. As my uncle says every Christmas, I'm as dry as a dead dingo's donger."
    "What a cute saying in front of the kids."
    (Riverina Recorder 16 Aug 1930
    "Thanks for your help with this, Vick. I really appreciate it."
    The two had set up camp and cooked dinner over a fire. Once things had been tidied up, they moved their chairs closer to the flames. As Daryl had predicted, the clear night brought a rapid decrease in temperature. The heat the fire put out was nice, but just the look of the coals was warming.
    "Not a problem. I'm having fun, believe it or not. Although," Vicky said with a shiver, "I should've bought a ...