1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    ... hoodie. I didn't think it would be so cold."
    "Yeah, sorry. Forgot to mention that." Daryl held her arms open. "Come on, cuddle up."
    Vicky dropped into her friend's lap and draped her arms around Daz's neck. "Thanks. You're warm."
    "Lot of meat on me to keep the heat in."
    The two stared at the fire. Even that was quiet. The dry mallee gum burnt with a fierce intensity and had settled to a pile of bright coals. Vicky rested her head on Daryl's shoulder and closed her eyes. She realised she'd definitely had a touch too much sun. Thirsty, tired, and light-headedness were all things she knew from experience that came from mild sunstroke. A touch of hallucination was a natural fit.
    Darryl smiled as her friend wriggled in her lap to get more comfortable. She had always been slightly jealous of the 'cool' girls at school, who slipped in and out of friendships easily. They were always laughing and hugging, which didn't come naturally to her. Until she met Vick and Jo. Josephine, in particular, had a way of lowering people's inhibitions. After they first met, it hadn't taken long or with too many drinks, before her undies were off, her bits pulled wide, and Jo had given her a full blown orgasm from a partner for the first time.
    She sighed contentedly at the memory. That was the first of many fun nights. Jo had absolutely no inhibitions. She didn't care who she fucked, as long as they were sexy. Daryl had said that should have left her out, but Jo just ...
    ... laughed and chewed on her earlobe. "Everyone has their own idea of what's sexy. You, my lovely Amazon, are sexy to me, even if you don't think so."
    Vicky felt her friend's chest rise and fall under her cheek. She hadn't been sure what to make of the two odd classmates she'd been paired with in their first week of uni. It didn't take long to realise Daz had a sense of humour as dry as the Mallee they were camping in, and Jo was... just so cool with her 'don't give a shit what anyone thinks' attitude. Neither was the sort of person she would normally have hung out with, but they had become great friends, with benefits she had never expected. It was strange, in a way. Jo was quite open about her attitude to sex and refused to label herself. Vicky could understand that. Having a female threesome while lusting over Tom Hiddleston on TV made her own head hurt. 'Just great friends' seemed the most appropriate label. She really couldn't see that she'd ever be in a permanent relationship with another woman.
    "I'm glad we met," Vicky murmured. "Uni would have been a lot less interesting."
    Daryl kissed her forehead. "Yeah, me too." She put a hand under Vicky's bum, and the other around her waist. "You're a squirmy little thing, you know. Do you want to go to bed or stay up a little longer?"
    "Sorry, I'm comfy now. No, I'm happy here, just watching the fire and the stars. I can't believe that sky."
    "Yeah, it's pretty special. Ok, we'll stay here until the fire starts to die ...