1. The Ghost of Benanee

    Date: 7/9/2024, Categories: Lesbian Sex, Author: byRustyoznail, Source: Literotica

    ... that's where we're camping tonight?"
    "Yep. Have a quick look around, then set up the tent, light a fire, and settle back. If it stays clear, it'll get cold."
    "Really? I would have thought that it would stay fairly warm."
    "Nope. But it's a good cold. Snuggly cold."
    "Nice. I like a good snuggle."
    (Riverina Recorder 19 Apr 1930
    A special train travelled to Koorakee siding on the Benanee settlement on Thursday of last week. This is the first time a train has carried goods across the river at Robinvale.)
    "Now this is a lot more promising," said Daryl as she scanned the remains of the station tank. "Fencing, some old pipework, bits of timber, and I'm sure we drove over the remains of a channel."
    "You know, it's actually pretty sad. All this work, basically for nothing." Vicky got out of the car and peered north. "Looks like a concrete wall over there."
    "I think you're right," Daryl said, "Nice. I'll grab the tape and my notebook, and let's go have a look. Might as well make a start."
    Daryl picked up her backpack of gear and the two walked around the raised embankment of the tank.
    "So what was the idea of these things?" asked Vicky.
    "From what I read, each station site had one of these tanks built for communal use until the settlers built their own on their property. Problem was, the channels were cut through some pretty shitty sandy soil and the water from the pumps didn't always make it this far."
    "Oh. So what did they ...
    ... do?"
    Daryl shrugged. "Not really sure. I read a report saying the railways were trucking water to Lette, but... Hey, a beer bottle!"
    Daryl slid down the shallow embankment to where a lone brown bottle lay on the ground. She knelt down and took a couple of photos. "Looks old. Real old. Maybe the crew who dug this out had their camp nearby."
    "Anything else around it?"
    "Can't see anything." She stood up and looked towards the scrub. "Vick, do you mind measuring that wall, while I have a look around here?"
    "Sure, no worries Daz." Vicky took the tape measure and notebook and wandered over to the concrete wall. She didn't really know what she was looking at, but it was obviously important. Concrete needed water, and that wasn't something nearby. She started sketching the wall, then adding measurements like Daz had shown her. Her friend's enthusiasm had started to rub off on her, but in a different way. Daryl was naturally interested in the engineering aspects of the area, but she wondered about the lives of the settlers and why they abandoned the fledgling settlement.
    Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Daryl appearing out of the scrub. "Hey Daz, I think I've finished with this one, but I can see other walls. You find anything interesting?"
    "Yeah, heaps of things. This was definitely a worker's campsite. I'm going to lay out those laminated numbers so we can pick up the sites with the drone tomorrow."
    Vicky's head snapped towards the voice. "What? Where are ...