1. Jodie's Slaves Part Two

    Date: 7/4/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Rape Written by women Young Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... way to use my legs to post or ride the trot. The butt plug drove reverberations deeply into my ass with each bounce, the crotch rope digging into my punished pussy and smashed my agonized clit more painfully as my legs tugged at the waist rope as I bounced and bounced. The nipple weights swung so violently they flung wildly and bounced off my painfully bound tits from every direction. I screamed and screamed from the pain.
    Then I felt shade and smelled the wood, hay and leather of the barn and we stopped.
    I was panting, crying and shaking all over when we stopped.
    Thankfully we were short on time and the lesson ended with her permission to remove the bondage, put away the horses and come in when I was ready after she went ahead to take care of something she did not let me in on.
    Barb was hesitant around me in the morning, nervous. Her eyes kept darting to Bill and Julie at odd moments, checking to be sure they noticed nothing wrong. They were going to if she kept on like this. I was going to pull her aside and reassure her so she could behave normally, but I decided that there was no way to conduct a lesson now and just acted normal.
    Making sure Bill and Julie were occupied with their conversation, I waited until Barb got up to pour herself some more orange juice. I grabbed my glass and followed her. Behind the open fridge door and hidden from view I took her nipples in my hands and twisted savagely! She clamped her teeth over her cry of pain and ...
    ... managed to stifle it. Very good.
    "Behave normally!" I hissed in her ear. I poured us both more orange juice and sauntered back to the table. Bill looked up at me.
    "What are you girls up to today while I am out working my fingers to the bone?" he asked in a joking, long, suffering voice.
    "Barn work!" I rolled my eyes dramatically, "Barb is such a slave driver! I was so sore the first time I helped out there!"
    "Oh I know!" Julie piped up, "I am so glad you came. She used to make me help." I scooted my chair closer to her and draped my arm around her shoulders.
    "Don't worry, Julie. I am here now to save you from the evil plans of your Wicked Stepmother." Julie started to giggle and leaned against me. I speared Brenda with a look. For a second, she colored, remembering her confessions to me yesterday. I toyed idly with Julie's neckline, drawing Barb's attention to the soft skin of her throat. She cleared her throat and managed a passable version of her old self.
    "Hard work never hurts anyone, girls. You could both benefit from more time in the barn," she said. Oh, I plan to. I thought.
    "Now, leave Mom alone," Bill laughed, kissing her head on his way to the door.
    "No problem. I gotta go too," Julie agreed, jumping up and kissing Barb before following him out the door. I gathered the dishes and took them to the sink. Barb stayed where she was, lost and confused.
    "I like this new arrangement, Barb," I began as I started on the dishes, "I am not going to let you ...