1. Jodie's Slaves Part Two

    Date: 7/4/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Rape Written by women Young Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... mess it up by behaving like a hostage. I mean you are one..." I laughed, "But you can't show it. So here is what is going to happen. Every time you do something suspicious or out of character around your family I am going to give you one smack with the riding crop you have in the barn. I think you can benefit from more barn time too, you see." I turned to look at her. She nodded.
    "Yes, I understand," she whispered.
    "Good. Now, I counted eight infractions just this morning, you have been very bad today. But you rallied at the end so I will deduct one. That is seven." I wiped the counter and folded the dish towel before turning back and taking her face in my hands, stepping close, "But we really should add a few to punish you for being such a disgusting deviant, shouldn't we?" I nodded her head for her and smiled before kissing her hard, holding her in place so she could not back away. She melted against me, all uncertainty gone as she surrendered to my will.
    "See how easy it is?" I pointed out, "Let's make it an even ten. Meet me in the barn in fifteen minutes. Don't make me come and collect you. We will take care of your punishment before we do the chores for the day. I want you to feel the physical reminder as you work."
    She entered the barn hesitantly.
    "Strip, Slut!" I ordered from the shadows at the other end, "and get over here." She removed her clothing and walked naked through the barn to the area where the hay was stored.
    "One day you are going to ...
    ... show me how to use that." I pointed to the block and tackle hanging from the ceiling, "But for now..."
    The rope I had in my hand was a newer one, not yet worn smooth with use, it would prickle on her skin which is why I ignored my beloved leather today. I had been studying online so I was reasonably confident in my knots as I wove a harness around her. It had a loop on either side of her waist and not only compressed her chest and stomach like a corset would, but I had wound a few loops around each breast, too, constricting them, they bulged out in front. I gave them a few pattycake slaps just for fun. Then I led her over to a hay bale I had moved purposefully to an empty space.
    "Kneel down, Barb, and lay your chest and head on the hay." I ordered. She knelt, but was slow to bend over, most likely thinking of her skin and that picky, prickly straw. I shoved her down and held her firmly against the bale.
    "No hesitation, Barb, you don't want me to add smacks...they get harder each time." Reaching down, I took the end of the rope I had placed under the bale and threaded it through the loop at her waist, repeating on the other side and cinching until she was locked tightly to the hay.
    I couldn't resist taking a few pictures. They would be fun to humiliate her with later. She whimpered a little as I tied her wrists down to the bale, looping the rope back to catch her knees as well and separating them. She was so beautiful immobile and restrained by the rope. I took a ...