1. Jodie's Slaves Part Two

    Date: 7/4/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Rape Written by women Young Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    Chapter 3
    Long ride home, Seeds of desire,
    I felt every step Joeboy was taking as Jodi...Mistress Jodi ...lead us the last half mile back towards the house. Each footfall sends throbs of pain and humiliation through me. After the ordeal at the old farmstead she had told me we would ride in silence on the way back...well at least i had to. She made me keep her panties in my mouth the whole way. Not stuffed or tied in during most of the ride but held in my teeth just to remind me to not speak.
    When we had stopped for the last time on the trail where it emerged from the woods into the edge of the fields and pastures she had us stop and dismount from our horses. Past any risk of getting brushed by limbs or undergrowth or stumbles in the creekbed she wanted me to know my place as her slave as we approached home.
    Standing by Topaz and pulling things from her saddle bag she looked over her shoulder at me.
    “Strip naked Barb”
    I was caught off guard and for a second and just looked at her. It came back to me what she had said about doing what i was told without hesitation and realized i had just done it. I had hesitated. In a bit of a panic I started with leaning over to take off my boots but it was too late and she stepped over to me and said “ Stand up straight and look at me” As soon as i did she slapped my face hard with her right hand and before could even recover her left hand hit the other cheek just as hard. Then another right and another left. I ...
    ... didn't mean to do it but I stepped back a step and cried out through clenched teeth and her soaking wet panties. At least after keeping my mouth shut for so long i didnt drop her panties as i cried out.
    “ I warned you about hesitation Barb. Are you trying to piss me off or are just stupid and don't believe this is real?”
    As I recovered and stood up straight again with my cheeks stinging and tears welling up again in my already red eyes after all the crying she grabbed my collar and pulled my face close to hers.
    “ Now get those clothes off you stupid slut or I will do far more than slap your face”
    Then she shoved me back a step before turning back to her horse and what she was doing when I disobeyed. I moved quickly to take off everything and stood naked waiting for my next instruction.
    “ Now slave, Hands together in front of you for the cuffs.”
    She cuffed each wrist and used a link to connect the cuffs. Back to her bag then tossing two more cuffs on the ground at my feet. “Put those on”
    As I bent over to put them on my ankles she went back for more items from her saddle bag.
    “Hands over your head. “ My hands quickly over my head, I stood silent as she put the wicked nipple clamps back on my already sore and tender nipples. The bleeding from the one she had bitten so hard had stopped. She had known what she was doing and had used her incisor tooth to make it bleed without too much of a cut. Now the clamp was making it start again. I clenched my teeth on the ...