1. Jodie's Slaves Part Two

    Date: 7/4/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Rape Written by women Young Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... as I managed to get my foot in the stirrup and pull myself up using the horn of the saddle.
    First she took the reins off of my bridle and used one of them to thread through the link between the cuffs and round the horn in a way I could hold on but not raise them far. Then using the other long rein she lashed it over my upper thighs and pulled it down really hard to keep me tight down on the saddle.
    She laughed a little saying, “ How convenient you showed me how to make a nice tight chinch with a leather strap. “
    Then one at a time she pulled each of my cuffed ankles up the side of the saddle and ran the remaining cords from the crotch rope that were hanging from the back of the wait rope to run through the rings on the ankle cuffs to hold my legs bent and all my weight on my crotch and ass as perched bound on the saddle plugged, tied, blindfolded and gagged. Pussy already aching from the tight ropes and nipples throbbing on my bound tits. I knew it was going to get much worse when we took off but had no idea just how bad it was about to become.
    She started us out with a slow walk. The normally gentle and slow undulations that i so loved took on a new dimension as each step set up a rhythmic swinging of the weighted nipple clamps. Being one that usually loved my nipples pinched some for sexual arousal this was near the upper limits of what i could take without screaming! My nipples sent wave after wave of sensual pain over me as the weights swung constantly.
    It ...
    ... was during that slow walking period I tried to take my mind off the pain I was in with thoughts of other things but my mind was not able to get past my situation and what had happened since lunch on the blanket, being tied to the tree and how my life was not mine anymore. I no longer would have control over myself as I had always known. Jodi had told me that even though there would be times we would be together I was still her slave. I was feeling the reality of that sinking in more with each step closer to home.
    I thought back to the safety I felt in her arms after she let me down from the tree. The powerful orgasm that shook me to my core as the fucked me relentlessly with the dildo as she bit and abused my nipples was maybe the most incredible orgasm of my life. Then how she held me as I fell asleep into a much needed rest and brain reset.
    The way she woke from the slumber with her fingers of both hands gently tugging and twisting my tender sore nipples brought me quickly back to where we were and what was happening to me. To how she had done so much to set me up with the blackmail and how bold she was in doing so. Her plan had worked so well she had me feeling guilty and stepping right into it. The truth was she must have just enjoyed messing with my head and the guilt and shame she made me feel was needed for the blackmail. It showed how she was not only physically abusive and also enjoyed causing mental anguish and had played me big time.
    Once Jodi...Mistress ...