1. Jodie's Slaves Part Two

    Date: 7/4/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Rape Written by women Young Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Jodi realized I was awake, she pulled both nipples hard and said.
    ” Okay slut get off me and lay face down and don't move. It’s time for your first pussy licking lessons and I want you tied for it. Being tied up is going to be a big part of your life now. You will spend much of your time alone with me bound and some of it quite painfully. So roll over, lay there and keep your mouth shut unless I tell you that you can speak or ask you questions.”
    Bringing her saddle bags to the blanket she took her time binding me into a hogtie with the cuffs and straps. My arms all the way back and my feet pulled up to meet them over the middle of my back. I quickly realized what an efficient tie it was as all I could do was lay there and even attempting to roll over to one side would not be easy, not that I dared to try it.
    With one of the long straps she had brought and the leash to my collar in hand she again leaned back against the tree and tugged and swatted my ass with the strap saying. “ Okay now slut you are going to start licking my pussy and do it exactly how I tell you or I will whip that sweet ass of yours so hard you will want to walk back to the house instead of sitting in your saddle.”
    She scooted the last inches towards me until her pussy was in the perfect place for me to lick it.
    I licked and kissed and sucked. I did as told and soon she was grinding her wet pussy into my face and had both hands in my hair guiding and holding as she told me what to do. She was ...
    ... filled with passion and lust and clearly felt the rush of power as she berated me if I got tired and moaned and groaned when it was getting good to her. She fucked my face hard. Her orgasm was intense! She panted and heaved and held my head as her pussy spasmed. It was not a huge rush of wetness but so much i had to work to lick and swallow it to not let a single drop wet the blanket or suffer a punishment she promised would be severe if she saw even one drop of her “Mistress cum” i had failed to lick up.
    After she came she let me roll over on my side to rest as she moved down and laid beside me. She laid one arm across me and patted me kindly like a person would a dog.
    “Good girl Barb...good girl. Soon I won't need to instruct you how to be an expert pussy licker. You did really good”
    As she rested I laid there helpless and my face drying from her pussy juice spread from my chin to my eyes. My emotions running rampant from anger to fear to shame to pride I had managed to give her an orgasm. On the verge of tears but none came.
    As I rode blindfolded and gagged on my horse with my nipples in agony, I began to think it was as bad as it was going to get and we must be almost to the barn but no way to really know. Things suddenly got very much worse when I heard her “ Click click” the sound Topaz knew meant to speed up into a trot and Joeboy knew to keep and not strain the leadline and almost instantly we were in a hard bouncing trot slamming me in the saddle with no ...