1. Whispers of the Past Ch. 02

    Date: 7/3/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRobeth123, Source: Literotica

    ... watching and I asked for those real expensive binoculars for my 18th birthday?"
    Now this was getting weird and surprisingly funny. I laughed out loud which got Alli started too and what a relief it was that we could laugh about this.
    "Ok ok, I know I should feel violated but now I'm feeling almost flattered."
    "You should! I went through a lot of effort. I knew your favorite outdoor spots but winter was always difficult for me. Aunt Cathy was so good at pulling the shades that I rarely got to see anything but that meant nobody could see me outside listening."
    "Oh yeah, the dirty talk was top-notch."
    "Thanks, I guess," I couldn't believe where this conversation was going.
    "So you knew it was Aunt Cathy's idea."
    "I didn't know it was her Idea but I knew that she was somehow involved. I knew she liked to watch which is where I think my voyeurism came from."
    Trying to turn the tables a little I asked, "So you just watched?"
    "Sometimes more."
    "Sometimes more?"
    "Like Aunt Cathy, sometimes I masturbated."
    "And how was that for you?"
    "Good enough that I would hide my car and walk a mile in the dark when I knew you were here hoping to get a peak."
    "I've still got to know why you are bringing this up now."
    "It's because, for all of those years, I felt on the outside looking in. Missing out on the fun as it were. That's why I pushed myself so hard in my businesses, to not be on the outside there too."
    "Still, why ...
    ... now?"
    She was taking her time and calculating. To turn the tables, she started asking questions.
    "How did it start with you and Uncle Bill?"
    "It really started with Aunt Cathy. She is the one person I felt comfortable talking to about the bad sex I was having and she made me feel very comfortable discussing the topic with her. Over time it just evolved a step at a time into her letting Bill show me how a real sexual relationship can be."
    "Is that how it started with Milly?"
    If her first attempt didn't rock me off-center, this one did. I had no words. I was speechless. She must have seen something in my face as I felt like crying when she let me off the hook.
    "Look, don't get all freaked out now ok. Think about it. I saw the relationship you had with Uncle Bill before and after you were fucking. I've seen the relationship with Robert and Milly over the years and just assumed the same path eventually. It took longer than I thought but eventually, I figured it out."
    "How so?"
    "I know the look of a well fucked woman. I saw it on you every time Uncle Bill gave it to you good. I started seeing it on Milly and just went back to my old hobby."
    "Yup. Except the technology is so much better these days. I have a GPS on Milly's car and better long-range sound equipment and I've really enjoyed the show."
    That bitch! She is acting like we are doing her a favor.
    "Hold on. You know about Robert and Milly being sexually active."
    "And you. I know you are a ...