1. Whispers of the Past Ch. 02

    Date: 7/3/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRobeth123, Source: Literotica

    Whispers of the Past Ch. 02
    (This tale was written by a couple who reads erotica often but write rarely. The characters are inspired by real people although it is intended to be viewed as fiction. Some areas move slowly (because of him) and some move fast (because of her) and that's not intended to detract from the story, it's just an expression of who we are. The sex scenes have been acted out with the help of a friend to be sure they were realistic. Enjoy! All characters are over 18 and consenting.)
    6 months later***
    Beth's point of view
    "There is nothing left Aunt Beth, I promise," came the muffled cry from between my legs.
    It had been six months since my husband Robert and I began a sexual relationship with our niece Emily affectionately known by the family as Milly. It was supposed to be a sexual partnership between my husband and her, similar to the relationship I had with my Uncle Bill. In that relationship, my Aunt Cathy stayed on the periphery but in our case, little Miss Milly has pulled me completely in. It wasn't a difficult barrier to cross.
    My first two years of college had been at an all-girls school mainly because it was so expensive and I wanted to somehow get back at my awful parents. Also, I just started a relationship with Uncle Bill and he was giving me all of the cock I would ever need and he was good at it. The rest of my family always felt like I must be a lesbian going to an all-girls college and never really dating boys after I ...
    ... started up with Uncle Bill.
    Yes, in an all-girls school, many of the girls are lesbian but way less than half in my case. Many are there to focus on their studies without the distraction of boys. Did I get hit on by girls? Yes, from time to time. Did I like the attention? A little. Did I ever make out with a girl? Yes. I liked kissing and it was just fun. I even made it to second base a couple of times and received the same but never let it go past that. A few years later I went to a state school to finish my degree and met my love, Robert. Other than some porn we watched or erotica I read same-sex relationships never sparked my interest. Until of course, Milly entered our bedroom activities.
    Over the last 6 months, the relationship between the three of us has blossomed. Milly spent as much of the summer as she could with Robert and me at the cabin. After she went back to college, I would send Robert to get a room close to campus to fuck our niece silly. Then he would come home and report. Sometimes I would go with him, and sometimes we would Facetime while they fucked but I never got jealous. Last month, Milly and I took our relationship to the next level, and I came up on my own for a weekend of just us.
    This was the first time I had experienced lovemaking with another woman on our own and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Milly stands by her position that she is not bisexual, she is just really into me which she calls bi-situational. I thought that was total ...