1. Whispers of the Past Ch. 02

    Date: 7/3/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRobeth123, Source: Literotica

    ... holidays."
    "Our time with you is truly a gift child. Times like this ensure we don't take it for granted."
    I was putting on my best acting face but I was disappointed too. We got her cleaned up and watched her leave hoping for an eventful evening.
    Robert was working on lunch while I quietly reflected on my sister. I should have been reaching out to Allison and been a better friend. Her husband John always seems distracted and she needed good human interaction in her life and I should have known better.
    Allison was just two years younger than me and was the youngest in our sibling group. Our older brother was born an asshole so Allison and I had to stick together. We were tight in our teens, I even showed her how to masturbate once, and at the time it just felt natural. Only later did we learn that not all sisters learn that way.
    She was the athlete of the family, had a darker complexion than me, and was taller. She was not extremely curvy but she had this Liv Tyler movie star look with long black hair and beautiful brown eyes. Her build and eyes are passed on to our Milly and maybe that's why I always seemed drawn to her.
    Our Milly. I rolled that idea around realizing that Richard and I had claimed her as our own and that could be a problem. Allison had always been very intuitive and that's what made her so successful in business. She was the breadwinner of their family had a great entrepreneurial flare and worked a lot of hours because of it. These days ...
    ... she worked less due to good succession planning and having the right people in place.
    I decided at that moment that she and I needed to have a good old-fashioned sister visit. I would schedule it next week to not interrupt her time with Milly.
    Richard and I just chilled and napped most of the afternoon and took a little hike just before dark. Milly had texted that she was wrapping up with her mom and was headed our way.
    When Milly arrived she seemed a little off so Richard just made some hot chocolate and started a fire in the fireplace to chat.
    "Ok little miss, what's troubling you?"
    "Not really troubled Aunt Beth, just aware of something I can't quite figure out."
    "Well, I have known your mother my whole life so maybe I can help you unravel this mystery."
    "It's like she was less annoying this time. More like a friend than a mom. She has driven me her whole life but this time she just wanted to know how I was doing. No advice afterward or a list of deliverables like usual."
    "I have a theory about that if you would like to hear it."
    "Of course Aunt Beth, you are wise in everything," Milly said with a sly smile.
    "Your mom's lonely. Her nest is now empty and her husband plays golf or is distracted with his hobbies all of the time. She is also less vital in her businesses and she's never been the warmest person so making friends is hard for her."
    Richard piped in, "You know this makes a lot of sense. She used to miss a lot of family events and now ...