1. Whispers of the Past Ch. 02

    Date: 7/3/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRobeth123, Source: Literotica

    ... lot more involved than Aunt Cathy was."
    "And you're ok with this?"
    "When you have spent the last thirty-plus years seeing what I've seen, I get it. You and Uncle Bill were my original fantasy. I have entertained myself studying the topic and know it's not that uncommon. Knowing all of the players makes it especially hot."
    "But earlier you apologized for spying but you're still doing it."
    "That's why I am bringing it up. I feel incredibly guilty about it and last weekend broke me."
    "Last weekend?"
    "Yeah, you aren't as good as Aunt Cathy at pulling the shades. I saw you riding my daughter's face for a half hour and heard the conversation and every orgasm you had. And just so you know, I had just as many."
    "So you enjoyed all of that?"
    Just a sheepish nod came from Alli. I assumed she was handing the conversation back over to me.
    "So you never really said why this is coming up now other than being broken so let me take a stab. You have been on the outside looking in for years. In business, you have always had a seat at the table. So I guess the question is, what table do you want to sit at?"
    "Very observant sis."
    After a long pause, "I can tell what you three have is special. You are all consenting adults so I have no problem. I've always known Milly was adventurous in that way and I know she is perfectly safe and sound in the company of you and Robert."
    After some more time to contemplate, "Part of me is jealous that my own daughter gets ...
    ... more action than her mother and it's just not fair. Alternatively, I don't want to impose or ruin what you have."
    Getting impatient I pressed, "Alli, you have never had a problem asking for what you want so, what do you want?"
    "I ...." she couldn't finish her thought.
    "I still want to watch, just not through a window with binoculars anymore."
    "You want to be in the same room while my husband makes love to your daughter?"
    "Not just them, I want you there too."
    Sensing that this was getting real and a little spicy I thought we might have a little fun seeing how desperate she was. She continued, "I don't know how it would work or if Milly would even allow it, but I thought if I didn't ask I would regret it forever."
    "So, you want me to convince my husband to let you sit in that high-backed chair in our bedroom while we fuck your daughter?"
    "You want to be close so you can watch it happen, hear every whisper, and smell the sex while it's happening?"
    As I said this I reached outside my pullover to squeeze my tit while I fished my other hand down my pants hoping she would follow my lead.
    "Yes, that's what I want," she said while moving one of her hands into her leggings.
    "You realize that you will see my husband destroy your daughter's pussy while she is totally tongue fucking your big sister?"
    Alli eyes were half open looking at me and half closed in some dreamy state.
    "I want that so bad."
    She miss spoke in her dreamy state or maybe ...