1. Whispers of the Past Ch. 02

    Date: 7/3/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byRobeth123, Source: Literotica

    ... the most open conversation we've had about sex with my sister in a long time. I wondered where this was going.
    The talking slowed to a halt so to break the silence I asked, "You know, just having orgasms doesn't replace human connection right?"
    "Oh, sure. I almost had an affair once."
    "What happened?"
    "I just decided I didn't want to fuck the guy."
    "Ok, well no judgment from me, and thanks for trusting me with that."
    "We can trust each other can't we Beth?"
    She switched from calling me Sis to Beth. This was starting to sound more official.
    "We can Alli," I said switching to the nickname I gave her to lighten the mood.
    "But trusting doesn't require us to always bare our soul right? I mean secrets kept can be a good thing?"
    Man, this was getting weird but I decided to go with it.
    "They can be a healthy thing for sure. Unless there is a really good reason to disclose them someday."
    "I agree, cheers to secrets!"
    With that, we clinked glasses again. After sipping I noticed Alli was really focused like she was preparing for something. She had already surprised me a bit with where this conversation was going like this was a test. She always liked to destabilize people. She did this in business and she tried it with family sometimes but I never let her phase me. Sure she could rock me sometimes but I never let her see me sweat. I think she knew I had a strong upper hand when it came to the two of us.
    "I've been keeping a secret and I think ...
    ... now is the time to share."
    Ok, here we go I thought to myself as I mentally dug in and said, "Feel free sis, no judgment from me."
    "I've known about you and Uncle Bill."
    Pow! There it was. That was probably the most destabilizing thing she could say. I was completely ready for a fight or flight reaction but my body and mind reacted strangely. Almost a relief. Was it the wine or something else? I think somewhere deep inside I knew.
    "Aren't you going to say something?"
    "Oh sorry, just lost in a wash of thoughts and emotions," I finally said, "I think somehow deep down I knew that."
    "How so?"
    "After this all started, I was kind of paranoid that someone would see through me. But everyone always treated me the same so I knew my secret was safe. Then one day you changed. Just slightly, almost too subtle to notice but you did. Not in a bad way. And then, when Uncle Bill passed, you comforted me in a way that was slightly out of character for you like you knew the real depth of our connection."
    "I guess that was my one shot of empathy," She said with a slight chuckle to break the tension.
    "How did you know?"
    "I caught you two once. Up behind the cabin in the woods. I spied on you and for that, I am asking your forgiveness."
    "Wow, ok, why are you bringing this up now? I mean you caught us one time and you want to say I'm sorry?"
    "It wasn't just once. It kind of became my hobby."
    "Became your hobby?"
    "Yeah, you remember when I got into bird ...