1. Whorish American Women-Part One

    Date: 6/30/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bestiality, Blackmail, Cruelty Humiliation Incest Lesbian Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... asking her why.
    “Because I want you baby. I want to own you, and to hurt you. I hated you from the moment I saw you … and you’re gonna help me get your bitch of a mother” It was late and Aisha had made her point and wanted to let the girl stew on it overnight.
    Brenda woke to the smell of food but not sure what it was. It was savory with the smell of meat. Aisha standing by her bed and poking her with a large wood spoon.
    “Up. Up, Ms Brenda. You must be up now”
    “What is it? Is something wrong? Brenda was confused
    “All is good but it is time to be up. There is much to do today. Today is a big day here. Up now please, Ms Brenda.” As she poked the woman harder with the spoon.
    Aisha moved away only when the woman’s feet hit the floor. She had other things to attend to as she prepared for her first full day of changing the lives of the woman and her daughter and her own, as well.
    With the spiced omelet and flatbread with the only fruit in the house being canned peaches, Aisha put some in the oven to keep warm and the rest kept cold. She was determined to have both of the lazy American women at the table eating a proper breakfast by 7 AM at the latest most days but knew this first day it may not happen.
    It would be only her and Barbara today. In fact much of what Brenda did this morning would determine if she would leave and find a new job or stay and follow through with her plan.
    The vile video she was going to show the woman then to explain there ...
    ... would have to be a big decision on who’s side the woman was on Brenda needed to make a choice. She would need help standing up to her lifelong spoiled daughter and she would have it. It would be this morning or never as far as Aisha was concerned. After a talk over breakfast she would pack her things and leave for they would together wake up Julle and confront her about her wrongful ways and being doing what it would take to correct them.
    Brenda had been shocked a little but not as much as Aisha had expected. She knew in her heart Juile was a shameful slut. That she would suck men’s cocks or go behind her best friends back or even have sex with both of them.
    As she looked at the downloaded photos it was not clear who was taking the photos. It could have been anyone. There were no condoms. Not even hiding her face it was obvious from her eyes she was on drugs or drinking or both.
    “Do you see now what I tell you, Ms. Brenda? How something drastic must be done. You are her only mother and only hope. There really is no choice. She has been yours to raise in this world and you can not fail her. It would not be right for you to let her into society in such a state.”
    Brenda went flushed hearing the truth spoken so directly. She could see what a sexual slut her daughter had become and felt ashamed she had let her follow such wrongful paths. She even felt for the first time that maybe she had been a bad example with her vanity and sexy clothing and wine parties and carefree ...