1. Whorish American Women-Part One

    Date: 6/30/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bestiality, Blackmail, Cruelty Humiliation Incest Lesbian Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... ways. She had let and watched her sweet little girl gown into an incredibly sexy young woman and done nothing to guide in the right ways. With wet eyes Brenda looked up from the phone and pictures of her slutty daughter,’
    “ Yes Aisha, I do see all you are saying is true. I have been so wrong in so many ways to let her become this way. What can we do? What do I do now? She really does need our help”
    “Ms, Brenda, You have heard of interventions, yes? We need to do a life changing intervention on Julie. “
    “Aisha, do you mean call in people and have her taken to rehab “
    Looking confidently at the woman Aisha replied.
    “ No, Ms Brenda. This is not something a rehab clinic can handle. You have seen how whorish your daughter has become. You know how much of a bitch she is. She is nearly an adult and you have no real power over her for much longer. You have just over one year to turn her life around. It will have to be a very intense year of life changing events and training for her.”
    Feeling very confident with how the woman was going along so well and the looks and body language they had been exchanging, Aisha stood and moved around the table to stand beside the woman and put a kind hand on her shoulder.
    “ I am here now to help you. There is much to do with changing Julie’s ways.”
    Then cupping Brenda’s chin and lifting her face to look calmly and confidently into her eyes.
    “ Brenda, You do know you are the source of Julie’s problems and failures and you ...
    ... must also learn new lessons and change your ways, too. I am going to need your help as much as you need mine to get Julie under control. First, you Brenda, must be trained in new ways. “
    Pinching the woman’s chin harder and patting the top of her head gently with the other hand.
    “ We will let your whorish daughter sleep. She will probably be out for hours.”
    Then running her fingers into Brenda’s hair gripping then pulling her head back some and letting her chin go with her hand going back in a position she could slap the woman's face.
    “ Your intervention starts today, Brenda. It starts now.”
    Aisha felt the power of her convictions in equal measures to the weakness she could see in the woman’s face. She made the decision to be very hard on the trembling woman.
    "You can't teach your daughter any good when you yourself behave like a slut." Aisha's voice was hard and strict. She slapped Brenda so hard across her face she fell on the floor.
    Brenda had never been hit like that! She was shocked! She was frightened with no will to fight back.
    "Get up" Aisha pulled at the woman’s hair.
    Brenda was touching her reddish cheek
    "But how will this help? Please this makes no sense, please let go…owww “
    "You don't ask questions. I know what I'm doing. Now get up woman!"
    Aisha slapped her face again.
    "Ow that hurts" Brenda's eyes were filled with tears. She was now afraid of the young woman.
    "Get up"
    "No please, Brenda pleaded.
    Aisha stood there ...