1. Whorish American Women-Part One

    Date: 6/30/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bestiality, Blackmail, Cruelty Humiliation Incest Lesbian Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... nightgown. The dress was airy and vaguely revealed her forms below, as well as her pointy nipples. Aisha resented white women in general, and envied the liberating demeanor of the mother, which contrasted starkly with the conservative environment Aisha grew up in. Western women are just whores, she told herself consolingly.
    "Aisha? Why so early? " Brenda asked, taking a step out of the house and onto her front porch.
    "Oh, Mrs Hinson, I’m sorry. It was just easier in the morning" Aisha said, trying to look away to tame her hateful thoughts. The woman looked at her silently for a few seconds. Aisha could read her thoughts in those moments, during which Brenda was probably thinking whether to say something or to just let it slide. What an inconsiderate bitch, Aisha thought.
    "Ok" Brenda finally said softly, "Come inside. Come" she said while doing a hand gesture that one would do to a dog, and Aisha exercised a lot of self-control to avoid commenting.
    Brenda walked into the kitchen, where her other younger daughter was eating cereals at the table, and she stood there like she was trying to remember why she came into the kitchen and what she wanted to do. Aisha waved at the little girl who looked away without a smile, and then she turned to Brenda to break the awkward silence:
    As they talked about the job Aisha could see that Carol had put no real planning into hiring a live-in housekeeper. They had talked some but there was a sloppy list of things she would do or ...
    ... not be expected to do. The woman she hoped would be a step above the average and be a step up for her was turning out to be as lazy as and even more sluttish looking than the whores on the streets of her city. She was very disappointed but at the same time smelled the idea of a challenge.
    It seemed shameful to see the curves of the voluptuous woman’s body and her little ass rolling with each step as she walked away, leaving the stunned young woman to make coffee in a kitchen that was unclean and unfamiliar. Aisha thought of her sweet and moral mother for a moment thinking someone should teach the woman lessons in being proper and clean.
    To Aisha’s bewilderment the woman had not put on proper clothing. She had made herself even more whorish by brushing her shamefully exposed long wavy blond hair and put on nearly whorish makeup on her eyes, lips and face. Granted the woman is beautiful but still not presentable or respectable and her lewdness disgraceful.
    The young Egyptian woman gave strong consideration to declining the job for such an awful woman and her equally awful daughter. Had she not already made an arrangement and in dire need of the rather generous pay she would have walked away from the challenge. There was no way to know if other American women would be even more shameful to work for.
    Aisha’s friend and sponsor who advised her to come to this country of rude and crude peoples is now very well versed in American culture after being here a few years and ...