1. Whorish American Women-Part One

    Date: 6/30/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bestiality, Blackmail, Cruelty Humiliation Incest Lesbian Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... had promised she would advise her more if needed. The older African woman intimidated her some but she welcomed the help adjusting to this foreign land.
    It was at that moment she decided to stay that Aisha made her mind up to accept this challenge and do what must be done.
    Aisha had been shocked to see Brenda coming downstairs with a dress that revealed her breasts even more.
    "What a whore" she thought but didn't say it outloud. During the rest of the tour she even saw a glimpse of her pink areolas when Brenda leaned down to pick sometime up.
    Aisha tried to make peace with such behavior. But it wasn't easy. She felt like that woman did it on purpose just to piss her off. But apparently Brenda wasn't the most annoying person in the house.
    When Aisha was preparing lunch for the first time, Julie came down to the table all sleepy and hungover. She was so arrogant. She refused to eat the chicken that Aisha cooked saying that it smells weird.
    "In my country we eat what we are given" Aisha said
    "And men fuck goats in your country, and we don't do it here" she replied with a bitch smile
    "Julie, be nice" Brenda shouted "i'm so sorry for her behavior" she said to Aisha when Julie walked to her room.
    "It's like you didn't spank her enough"
    "Oh well I never spanked her. We don't do it here. Instead we give them love and let them do what they want. This way they develop a good personality when they grew up"
    Aisha was amazed by how this culture does ...
    ... everything wrong.
    Later that day Aisha was cleaning the living room when Julie was ready to go out.
    "Goodbye mom" she shouted while putting on Air pods when one of them fell on the floor. The floor was white and the little thing was hard to see.
    "Fuck where is it?" The girl tried to find them with no luck.
    But Aisha saw them right away. She was about to point at it, but something stopped her. Instead she stepped on it and said "here it is'' pointing to the floor
    "Where? I don't see it"
    "it's right here on the floor"
    "Pick it up, I don't see it"
    "Pick it up yourself" Aisha said... she wanted to get a little revenge on that slut.
    "Shit where" Julie dropped on her knees right beside Aisha.
    For some reason Aisha felt her heart beating faster. She enjoyed seeing Julie crawling on her knees in front of her. But the sharades took too long... She walked around the girl leaving the air pod on the floor. And it took a few seconds for the girl to finally find it.
    "Shit here it is" she picked it up and took off.
    Aisha looked at the stairs where Brenda stood and sure she saw the whole thing.
    Aisha could sense the woman’s curious interest at seeing her snotty daughter being tricked into crawling on the floor at her feet. Maybe Miss Brenda did want to see her daughter being taught her place. She smiled at the thought. Yes, she would teach them both lessons in how to behave starting with the smart mouth little daughter with her mothers permission and ...