1. Whorish American Women-Part One

    Date: 6/30/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bestiality, Blackmail, Cruelty Humiliation Incest Lesbian Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... who taught you to be this way”
    “What are you talking about?” Julie asked, with her voice now trembling a bit more
    “You think I’m inferior to you. And imagine how I feel when a young whore that’s good for the streets looks at me this way”
    Julie opened her mouth but found nothing to say. She let out a gasp of protest but Aisha took a step closer to her, and Julie seemed to want to step back but the room was too small and there was no way to go. Aisha continued:
    “You look at me like I’m disgusting. Put your hand on me and tell me if my skin feels different”
    Julie was feeling incredibly uncomfortable, but she also understood the heavy risk of blackmail weighing on her, so she tried begging again, almost whimpering, with a tear starting to form at the side of her eye:
    “Aisha please”
    The tear sent a rush of excitement through Aisha’s body, and feeling empowered, she grabbed Julie’s hand abruptly and placed it on her arm.
    “Does this skin feel gross to you?”
    Julie started feeling very scared while Aisha was getting drunk on power, so she placed her hand behind Julie’s head and pulled it into her chest:
    “How about my smell you stupid girl, is it repulsive to you?”
    Julie groaned and pulled herself away from Aisha, so Aisha grew furious and pulled the small girl from her hair and pushed her on the small bed. Julie let out a small cry so Aisha quickly placed a hand over her mouth and then climbed on the bed on top of her to hold her still. Julie’s eyes ...
    ... grew wide with terror and disbelief, and she was still screaming into Aisha’s hand, so Aisha lowered her face and whispered to Julie:
    “Are you stupid? You want to wake up your mom? Let her come here and I’ll show her your videos let’s see what she thinks.”
    Julie stopped struggling and her screams turned into sobs, so Aisha took her hand off her mouth and took a moment to stare at her face which was turning red with more tears welling up in her eyes. Before she could ask why, Aisha continued:
    “You are mine now you little slut, unless you want everyone to see you naked and covered in cum. You will surrender yourself to me, or I will make sure every person who goes to school with you sees photos of your tight little pussy. I will show the photos of you sucking cock in the whole neighborhood with your address on it, to encourage every pervert to come looking for you.”
    Julie’s cheeks were covered in tears and her lips were quivering, so Aisha pushed her face into the pillow right in time for Julie to burst into uncontrollable crying. Keeping her face facing the pillow, Aisha continued speaking in her ear:
    “I like to see you crying my love, that means you understand how fucked you are now. You’re my property now you understand? It’s either this or you live on the streets a life of shame, where no one you know will accept you anymore. Shhh, shhh, calm down and show me your pretty face”.
    Aisha turned Julie’s head towards her and found a whimpering, scared little girl ...