1. Whorish American Women-Part One

    Date: 6/30/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bestiality, Blackmail, Cruelty Humiliation Incest Lesbian Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... nipples.
    To humiliate and tease the woman more, Aisha set the device to send a pleasant buzzing to the probe locked in her pussy by the snug fitting chastity belt.
    Brenda drove in silence as Aisha texted and looked at things on her tablet as they went from the farm and hardware store further into the city. The directions took them to the parking lot of Eden Bound, a sex shop with leather and whips in the display window facing out to the side street in a seeding looking area. A drunk was on the sidewalk across the way. A prostitute leaned on a wall down the block.
    A young man with a short beard sat behind the counter. He barely looked up and then went back to his reading or whatever had his attention on his phone.
    An unattractive couple was looking at sex swings and a gay couple looked at videos.
    A rough looking woman about Brenda’s age with tattoos covering both arms was hanging a new display of butt plugs from a cart filled with them and other sex toys.
    “Brenda, get a basket and follow me.”
    Within minutes the basket was nearly full of sex toys. Mostly in sets of two. Brenda shivered more than once knowing why there were two of everything. She feared for her daughter even more than herself. She knows her daughter is a fighter and would end up suffering a worse fate than just going along with Aisha’s plans to “reform them”
    It was looking less and less like reforming and more like enslaving that had Brenda fearing whatever it was Aisha was going to do ...
    ... to them. Would they really be chained like dogs? Why all the sex toys?
    The few times she did try to ask Aisha anything all she got was told to not speak unless spoken to and more of the painful shocks to her now sore and aching nipples or a hard jolt to the probe in her pussy.
    Aisha smiled as Brenda followed her into Eden Bound, her cart full of supplies for their training. This was going to be so much fun! She had big plans for her new pet. "Look at all the wonderful toys we can play with," Aisha purred, grabbing a few items from the basket. "I think we'll start with these." She held up a set of metal handcuffs and a thick rubber ball gag. Brenda whimpered softly, her eyes widening in fear. She didn't want to be trapped in a sex shop, chained up and used as a plaything. But the devices Aisha was choosing sent shivers down her spine. She knew exactly what kind of games were planned for her. Aisha laughed at the fear in Brenda's eyes. "Don't worry pet, we'll take things slow. I want to train you properly." She placed the cuffs and gag on the counter, along with a bottle of lube. "Let's get you ready for your new life."
    Brenda's heart sank as Aisha began to unbuckle the chastity belt. She didn't want to be exposed like this, vulnerable to anyone who walked into the shop. But she couldn't protest, not with the devices still attached that could shock her into submission at any moment. Aisha smiled and slid the belt off, tossing it into the basket. "There, now you won't be ...