1. Whorish American Women-Part One

    Date: 6/30/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bestiality, Blackmail, Cruelty Humiliation Incest Lesbian Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the woman's pussy and her tender aching nipples.
    Brenda stood silent as the women gathered her clothing and put it in a box. Then identical items as had been put on her and some others still in their packaging were placed in with them. It was clearly a set meant for her daughter.
    “Now get this dog whore out of my shop. I do not want to see her again until she is trained to take her proper place with her Masters. “
    Brenda sat at the wheel feeling the TEN between her legs. She looked at the mirror and hardly recognized herself. Aisha sat behind her
    "So how do you feel?" she asked , and as Brenfda opened her mouth she interrupted "actually I don't care. Just drive to the nearest hardware store"
    Brenda felt ashamed being in public wearing such clothes but it seems like nobody paid her any attention as they went into the large farm and hardware store.
    "Bring the cart" Aisha looked so happy and excited. First thing she put in there was 20 meters of heavy chain. The consultant appeared out of nowhere.
    "Can I help you with something?"
    "How strong is the chain?" she asked
    "it can hold up to 500kg of weight, but of course it depends what you going to use it for"
    "i need to chain up a couple of dogs"
    "wow a hell of a dog you've got if you need such a chain to hold it."
    Aisha looked at Brenda
    "Yeah, it looks strong and is capable of many things. "
    "What breed?"
    "American hound."
    "oh yes these are wild beasts. Would you need something ...
    ... else?"
    "yes actually a lot of items here's the list"
    She gave him a piece of paper. "Take her, she will help you gather everything, meanwhile I will look for something more specific."
    She left Brenda with the consultant. They walked around the store shopping, he tried to ask her questions but she didn't answer any of them. She was afraid of saying something wrong. That thing in her vagina made it very clear that she doesn't want any troubles.
    When Aisha returned she put a couple of small cameras in the cart, saying how these would be enough for now, until the full home security system package was delivered.
    She was pleased to see Brenda had gathered nearly all of the items on the list.
    Aisha took the list and checked what was in the cart and marked off the items already collected.
    Eye bolts
    Cordless drill
    Drill Bits
    Cotton rope
    Grass rope
    Wood rods
    Two 6 packs of matching key padlocks
    Bolt cutter for cutting the chain to length
    With those items collected Aisha dismissed the curious store consultant and lead Brenda to the area for pets and horses to gather more items from the list
    4 food and water bowls
    Two heavy duty leather dog collars
    8 small leather dog collars
    Two expensive shock collars with bluetooth remote control.
    Twice Brenda had spoken without permission and both times Aisha hit the button on the remote device to make the woman flinch and squeal in pain from the sharp electrical jolt to her ...