1. Whorish American Women-Part One

    Date: 6/30/2024, Categories: Fantasy Authoritarian, BDSM Bestiality, Blackmail, Cruelty Humiliation Incest Lesbian Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... restricted." She laughed as Brenda instinctively tried to cover herself. "Go on pet, show everyone how obedient you are for your Mistress." Brenda whimpered, the threat of exposure and the devices still attached enough to make her quiver in fear. She didn't want to please Aisha, but she couldn't disobey her without suffering the painful consequences. She took a deep breath and slowly lifted her top, revealing her breasts. Aisha's eyes lit up with delight at the sight. "Good girl," she purred. "Now take off the rest of your clothes.Brenda removed the top and bra then stood frozen for a moment before Aisha snapped the remote and she cried out in surprise and pain as another shock jolted her nipples.
    "Now hurry up and finish undressing, pet."
    Brenda undressed faster, her body shaking as the TENS device continued to send jolts of electricity to her sensitive areas.
    Finally, she stood completely nude, her body trembling and covered in a sheen of sweat. She felt so exposed and vulnerable, knowing that at any moment Aisha could shock her into submission.
    Meanwhile, Aisha was busy ***********ing more items for their training. She picked up a set of wrist and ankle cuffs. "We'll need these too," she said, adding them to the basket.
    As Brenda watched her Mistress shop for more tools of her dominance, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread growing inside her. She knew that whatever Aisha had planned for them would be cruel and degrading, but she also knew that she ...
    ... couldn't escape it. She was trapped, both physically and mentally, by the devices attached to her body and the fear that dominated her mind.
    Aisha smirked at the fearful expression on Brenda's face. "Don't worry, pet," she said softly, grabbing a box of dildos in various sizes. "We'll start slow and gradually work our way up."
    Brenda shuddered at the thought of what was to come. She knew that Aisha would use these toys to train her, teaching her to submit to her will completely and without question.
    When they finally left the store, Brenda felt like she was being led to her doom. She couldn't escape the images of what awaited her, the humiliation and pain that Aisha promised to inflict on her body.
    As they got into the car, Aisha turned to her pet and said, "Don't worry, pet. You'll be a good little doggie soon enough."
    Brenda closed her eyes, trying to shut out the world around her.
    Brenda's house had two upstairs floors and a half basement cellar room for the furnace and water heater and lots of room for storage. Aisha put Barbara to work on moving things to the garage and packing them on selves and in boxes until the room suited her needs as the place she would keep her American dog whore mom and daughter as she trained them.
    Aisha settled into her new training room, satisfied with the array of equipment at her disposal. This place would be perfect for breaking in her new pets. She watched as Brenda moved furniture and boxes out of the room, creating a ...