1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... you scream, the more you cry will only lead to more and more and more requests for more destruction and punishment of your ass.”
    Mistress Trina pick up the prison strap and walked to the front of her as she hung in the tire suspended off the floor. Her feet dangling and her ass sticking out, bare, helpless, exposed, and ready to take the strap. She held the strap of to her face, “KISS IT. TELL IT TO BE MERCILESS. TELL THE STRAP YOU ARE THANKFUL THAT IT WILL KISS YOUR WHITE ASS CHEEK. THANK IT FOR WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.”
    Her lips puckered and she kissed the leather strap. “Ttttthhhhaaannnnkkkkk youuuuu”, she said as she started to sob. “Please Mistress. Please I will do anything. Please…” She continued to sob. Mistress then patted her ass cheeks and asked “So you will do anything butthole.” “Yes, Mistress I will do anything.”
    “GOOD BUTT MEAT” and with that the she reared back with the trap and struck the helpless white ass of her slave. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.” The howl was loud and sustained from the first blow. Her ass cheeks flattened as the strap stuck across both ass cheeks. The imprint, 3 inches wide and across the whole width of her ass.
    Mistress Trina stood there with a big smile and then ran her fingers across the red imprint of the strap and said… ”Your wish is my command butthole as you said you would do anything. And this is just the beginning of that ANYTHING.”
    She proceeded to flay her helpless ass ...
    ... ignoring her screamings, pleadings, and crying. Poor butthole soon became a blubbering piece of meat.
    Mistress had made sure that her slave's ass stayed as white as possible with two exceptions. One when it was beating to dark red from strapping it or marked with the cane. The other was when she tanned the area around her ass hole to form a circle of dark tanned around her ass hole. Mistress did this by using a tanning lap on her ass when it was spread open. She put a cardboard cutout about 1 inch thick. Over time a darkened ring started to appear around butthole’s ass hole. Continued tanning lamp sessions darkened this ring. Mistress stood back often to admire the circle that made her ass hole the center of attention when her ass cheeks were taped wide apart. It was better than body writing as well as tattooing. Butthole made to look at her circled ass hole daily. She just teared up as she saw how she was being transformed into just being a butt hole. She said to her Mistress “Why Mistress do you do this to me? Why do you humiliate me this way.” Mistress just said “Remember ALICE and what you did to her. That is why my butthole, that is why. This is your punishment for life to be nothing but a butt hole”.
    These tanning sessions were cammed live each day. Many tuned in to watch the transformation of the slave into nothing but a butthole. The number of scribers continued to increase daily. Mistress Trina then started to tan the words “SLAVE BUTTHOLE” into the slave’s pale ...