1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... is no dialog in the following part. This should have quite a bit of Trina talking to Alice and for the ever present cameras set up to record everything they do. Trina may even look at on of the cameras and speak to Ms. Barbara or the watchers. Add lots of dialog please.
    (Mistress Trina watched as butthole stirred. “GET UP BUTTHOLE I HAVE USE OF YOU TODAY. Butthole and saw her standing there holding her riding crop. Sheepishly she said, “Good morning my Mistress.” Her eyes cast to the ground. Mistres walked over to her and said, “Sit up bitch and present yourself to me.” As she sat up Mistress put the leash on her collar. “There you look like my owned meat and slave slut.” She blushed as she felt the collar around her neck and felt it tighten and then heard the click of the leash being attached to the collar. She looked down like an animal in captivity knowing that anything could happen. She waited and waited feeling more naked and exposed. Unsure what was next for her. She knew Mistress could be just cruel for no reason. She was as they say “OWNED MEAT”.
    With a tug to the leash and led her to the open space. “Where are you taking me”, she said. “SILENT BITCH, you have no need to know. Whereever I wish. DO I NEED TO BLIND FOLD YOU TO TEACH YOU TO JUST OBEY.” The crop cut into the tender white flesh of butthole’s ass. They walked down the walkway to the middle of the barn where a tire hung from the ceiling. She stopped looking at Mistress unsure what was next. Fear was ...
    ... in her eyes as she saw the tire and the small stool next to the tire like a step. Her eyes wide with fear. “Stand up on the stool bitch and stick that white ass of yours through the tire. “Mistress, please no I will so helpless sitting there and hanging with my ass out.” She just said to her “EXACTLY my BUTTHOLE as I plan to play with your ASS HOLE TODAY.” “NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MISTRESS PLEASEEEEE NO. I BEG….NO…PLEASE”
    “Do I have to gag you bitch? Stop your whimper or else I might really hurt you.” Butthole started to sob remember the last time she was fucked in the ass. It hurt for days and her ass hole was tender to the touch. Her sobs brought a smile to Mistress Trina.
    As Mistress took a small stool and helped her up to the tire where she backed into the opening of the tire with her ass sticking out in a prominent manner and secured her with her. “My your ass looks so pretty. Your cheeks presented for my evil pleasures and your ass hole as well. Plus there is no way you can protect your ass or ass hole.” She laughed as she made sure the cameras were on before going to the wall and picking out a flogger, cane, and prison strap. “Which one first my butthole, the flogger, the can or the prison strap. I think the prison strap as that will bit into your flesh leaving a good 3 inch thick red imprint.” “PLEASSSSSE NO” she mumbled. “My ass is still sore from the last thrashing you gave it.”
    “Plead all you want my butt meat as the more you complain, the more ...