1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... ass cheeks and lips, isolating and pinching her perpetually swollen clit as well. Alice stretched her legs out, trying to take stake of her situation.
    She remembered Ms. Barbara’s words just before she passed out. Ms Barbara had gotten her in trouble for going along with Mommy’s lie. Alice knew it was wrong, but she was so desperate to cum that she did it anyway. Alice felt panic well up inside her as she remembered that Ms Barbara had given her to Trina for three months- three months! Trina was so rough and cruel with mommy- surely Ms Barbara wouldn’t let her treat Alice the same way. Alice remembered the tone in her mistress’s voice, and was not so sure.
    The shavings felt raw on Alice’s soft, exposed skin. She tried to stand, but found herself kneeling on the floor feeling awkward in her rope harness. As she stirred, the stall door opened and she saw Ms Barbara standing there. Ms Barbara came over to her and untied Alice’s gag, gently wiping the sawdust out of her hair as she sat. “Ms Barbara please I’m so sorry- I didn’t mean to disobey you….I was confused…I was just so desperate…and Mommy…”
    “Shhh, it’s okay baby, I know you didn’t mean to,” Ms Barbara said gently, “I know how desperate that little pussy can get- but you still disobeyed me, and there are still consequences. You are going to live in this barn- just like mommy- for the next three months. Nurse Trina will be responsible for your welfare and punishments, but I will be right here the whole time ...
    ... supervising. It is going to be difficult for you, but I know you can handle it- you need to learn not to disobey me again- be a brave girl, and it will all be over soon, okay?”
    Ms Barbara stroked Alice’s hair and toyed with the clamps on her nipples as she spoke, comforting and tormenting the girl for a moment before she read her sentence. She pushed little Alice back and held her by the shoulders and looked down into her eyes.
    “ Alice Lynn Givens, You are guilty of perverted sexual acts with you own mother. Of begging her to do sexual things to you and in turn doing sick and twisted sexual acts to her and with her”
    Slapping her face then grabbing her shoulder again and shaking her with building anger.
    “You are guilty of lying about your betrayal of the program and all of the hard work I have put into trying to help you”
    Holding her still and peering deeply into the eyes of the frightened girl then standing back leaving the girl quivering on her knees.
    “ Alice Lynn Givens, you will now begin your sentence of three months of punishment. The treatments you have been receiving will no longer be used to cure you of your sexual addiction and will instead be used as part of your punishment. Along with your sick with her sexual perversions it is clear it runs in your family to be sick lesbain sexual addicts and your sentences will fit the crime. Sick lesbian incestual acts and other things that will humiliate and horror you will be your fitting punishments. You deserve to ...