1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... you. Mommy just needed to use you for a little while...your body was too irresistible, and I couldn’t help it. You can’t tell anyone, baby, this has to be our secret...like your treatments.”
    They watched as Alice listened to mommy’s panicked explanation, unsure of what to believe. “Does Ms. Barbara know?'' Alice asked, referring to her moral compass and protector. “No baby she can’t know, you can’t tell anyone,” Mommy insisted. Pausing for a moment she went to Alice’s head, gently wiping her cum off of her daughter’s face. “Alice, honey, if you keep this secret, mommy will let you have an orgasm.”
    Alice stopped thinking with her head, allowing her naughty little pussy to make the decision. “Okay mommy, i will keep the secret. Can I cum now?”
    “Not yet, baby, Mommy has to make sure that it doesn’t interfere with your treatments. ”ll talk to Dr. Green tomorrow, but I promise that you will be able to cum really really soon, okay?” Alice saw what she thought was sincerity in her mommy’s eyes, and desperately wanted to trust her. “Okay mommy, thank you,” she said obediently.
    When she finished the rope bondage on little Alice, she was on her hands and knees with her feet pulled up to her ass and hands bound about a foot apart. Her tits hung down in tight ropes and two strands of the crotch rope pulled painfully down her ass capturing her clit between them. Barbara turned off the video of Lisa confessing what she had done and Alice’s part in it. As she was putting a ball ...
    ... gag in her mouth she told Alice.
    “Alice, you greatly disappoint me. The way you lied and backed your mother in her depraved sexual acts is as bad as her doing them. You have risked the program but worst of all you have lied to me. I thought we had something special. You made a bad mistake when your mother was taking advantage of you. Now you must be punished for there to be any forgiveness. “
    Alice’s worried eyes followed as a syringe was injected into her arm. It would put Alice in a groggy state for a while. As the shot took quick effect Barbara began telling her what was going to happen to her for lying and letting her mother give her orgasms.
    “ Since you have been as bad as your mom and she is serving out her punishment as Trina’s prisoner instead of going to jail, you are going to be Trina’s prisoner too. She is going to be the one in control of your punishment and life for the next 3 months. You really hurt me by lying to me. You deserve what is about to happen to you.”
    The anger and hurt in Barbara's eyes was the last thing Alice remembered before waking up in the barn.
    Awaking in hell
    Alice found herself curled up in a horse stall, sleeping in sawdust and covered in a blanket. As she moved, she realized that she was still harnessed, but had a bit of movement of her legs- she wondered if she could stand and see out the stall windows but her arms were still bound, along with her tits and she was still groggy and confused. The rope still ran between her ...