1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... was looking stunning! In her long silky red gown she looked elegant with her silver earrings and necklace. Her hair and makeup were perfectly done. The only thing fraction out of place was her deep red lipstick that was smudged from kissing Alice’s soft sweet lips.
    A blanket lay spread on the floor in front of the couch that faced the wall mounted smart TV.
    “ Alice, kneel on your heels in front of the couch facing the TV” The ever present video cameras get three different views of them.
    This is a very important part of your healing and your mothers punishment and treatment. You have heard that confession and owning our mistakes in life are the only way to begin healing. First comes the confession, then the punishments and the treatments that lead to healing can begin.
    As you know Trina is your mothers warden and punisher to keep her out of prison, she is a prisoner now for what she did to you. Trina has made your mother do a full confession and we are going to see and hear it. She deserves this. She is sick and deserves everything that will happen to her.”
    “ I know she does, Ms Barbara. Mommy raped me. She deserves to be punished”
    The screen lit up to show Lisa sitting on the same couch they were leaning against with her hands cuffed behind her back and her face red from being slapped. She was fully dressed in dark pants with a tan and brown pullover cowl-neck blouse. She still had on her jewelry looking like she had just gotten home from work. She was ...
    ... looking up at the same TV on the wall where on the screen was Alice’s bedroom where her mother was strapping her to the bed. Lisa thought she had turned off the cameras at the end of the treatments she had done online with Dr Green. She was stunned to realize everything had been recorded the whole time.
    Lisa sat stunned to see this view of it she had not seen as she fed her nipples to her suffering daughter and knew for sure her fate had long ago been sealed.
    Trina spoke up. “Say your name then tell me what you are watching. In case you have not figured it out yet this is your confession. Don’t you dare be stupid and try to avoid describing what you are seeing on the screen. You will give simple short answers. Is that clear Lisa?”
    Hearing her name made her shiver with dread.
    “Do it now bitch or I will beat this confession out of you.”
    Lisa stared at the camera set up beside the TV monitor. “I’m Lisa Givens. That is me on the screen. “ Her eyes cut to look as she talks.” I have strapped my daughter to the bed and I’m putting my nipples in her mouth…”
    Trina asks “ What is your daughter's full name ?”
    “ Her name is Alice Lynn Givens”
    “How old is she ? “ Trina askes.
    “ Alice is 18 years old.”
    The Accomplice Convicted
    As the video plays Barbara has started tying Alice's arms behind her back with white rope and talking to her as she worked the ropes carefully and snugly around her wrists, arms, chest and torso. Her arms are useless behind her back. Her ...