1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... lisa is?” Butthole said, “Now Mistress who is she?” Trina just smiled. She asked again, “Do you know that slaves do anything that their owners ask?” Butthole said, “Yes Mistress.”
    Movie Time
    Trina knew what her customers wanted to see. They were always asking how this started and what hold she and Mistress B had over the mother and daughter. They were going to tell an alternative version of things with more movies of the helpless mother and daughter.
    Lisa was so broken and now a new kind of normal had settled over her and she was much the same woman in looks but she was a shell of what she had been. She could still function and was no longer a danger of running away or telling anyone so she was now helping Alice with some of the housework but not allowed such things as using the furniture or eating at the table and never allowed to speak unless spoken to by one of her Mistresses. Alice was not allowed to speak to her either. She was a prisoner and servant and not part of the new family.
    Lisa knew what her Mistress T. wanted and always did a good job of playing whatever role in her videos her Mistress told her to.
    The role for the evening was taking Lisa from the kitchen of the house to the barn. Trina slapped her slave's face a few times to make it red and get some tears flowing to run her slutty makeup down her face then took up the leash of the woman kneeling on her kitchen floor.
    “ Okay doggy bitch. We are going to retell this story starting with putting ...
    ... you in your new home”
    Trina leading her and several cameras getting video of the well dressed woman being led into the old barn on her hands and knees.
    A stunning confession!
    Back at Lisa’s house there was no more need to hide the love or lust between Barbara and Alice. The girl worshiped her as her doctor goddess and protector. She now felt in her heart that her mom was sick and deserved the punishment before she could be treated and somehow redeem some part of her life after what she did. She deserves this. Mommy is no more than a dog. Mommy the slave bitch. All the things that ran through her mind of how sick her mommy is and deserved to be punished for were true. She deserves this.
    The wonderful Ms Barbara had Alice dress in her favorite PJ’s. Adorable pink and white soft panty shorts and matching top she had worn since she was 13. Now almost too small they conformed to her new bigger tits and fit perfectly in her crotch to give the outline of her puffy little pussy lips. Barbara mommy was buying her many new things. Sexy lingerie and stockings and shoes and dresses. She loved how grown up she looked in them. But tonight her new mommy wanted to see her looking like the little girl she still partly was. Her newly lightened blond hair up in two high pigtails with pink ribbons streaming down from pretty bow knots. More of the pink ribbon making a nice choker around her slender neck. Pretty white lace knee socks fit her great little legs perfectly.
    Ms Barbara ...