1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... pretty and forget about the diaper, and Alice realized that she was right. Mommy looked at Alice during dinner, continuing to tell her how pretty she looked- it made Alice feel great.
    Mommy bathed Alice after dinner, taking care to keep her leg elevated and out of the water. She let Alice do most of the washing, but stayed in to watch her in case she needed help. Alice knew that tonight was shock therapy night, and she grew more and more apprehensive toward bedtime. She obediently followed mommy to her room when she said it was time for bed, even though she knew that mommy was going to hurt her.
    Crossing the Line
    Mommy tucked Alice into bed; Ms. Barbara had ensured that a hospital bed was delivered to the house so that Alice could still be restrained for treatments. Alice allowed mommy to restrain her, knowing that she did not have a say in the treatment. Mommy secured the TENS pads to Alice’s skin, beginning the vibration. Alice’s eyes welled up, and before mommy put her gag in she asked, “Mommy, will you stay with me for a while tonight? Just while it gets started...im scared.”
    Lisa knew that this wasn’t a typical part of the treatment- alice had always endured the shocks alone- but she looked at her poor pathetic girl, strapped to the bed with her pussy still gushing, and found her...irresistible. It wouldn’t hurt to lay with her, just for a moment- be close to her, support her through the treatment. Lisa elected not to gag her just yet, and climbed into bed ...
    ... with her.
    Alice started to moan. “It hurts mommy, it hurts so much!” as the shocks increased in intensity. At the maximum intensity Alice was screaming; Lisa felt the tension leave her body as the screams quieted when the shocks went back to vibrations. After a few rounds, Lisa was desperate to comfort Alice. She stroked her hair, gently whispering encouragement to her as she cycled through the torture. The intimate moment reminded her of when she was a baby, up all night crying. Lisa would stroke her head and face, whispering to her to be calm. She repeated this now, willing her daughter to be strong.
    In those moments when Alice was a baby, she would also be breastfeeding through the tears. At that thought, Lisa had an idea- she looked at her daughter, strapped to the bed crying, and she reminded her in that moment of a helpless infant. She was empathetic toward Alice, but also found herself to be incredibly turned on. She felt her nipples tingling, and wondered whether Alice would feel soothed by sucking on one like she did as a baby. In a split second decision, she decided to go for it- Lisa desperately wanted stimulation- an outlet to channel some of the sexual tension she was feeling- and this is a way for her to comfort Alice. No one would have to know…
    Lisa gently took her breast out of her bra. Alice looked at her, a flash of confusion on her face before the shocks demanded her attention. Alice opened her mouth to scream, and Lisa put her nipple in. “Suck, ...