1. Housekeepers Hell

    Date: 6/21/2024, Categories: Fiction BDSM Bondage and restriction Cruelty Female/Female Horror, Non-consensual sex Torture, Written by women Author: barbarabadgirl, Source: sexstories.com

    ... can’t help it,” Alice said, embarrassed. “It’s okay baby, it isn’t your fault,” mommy reassured her, removing the soaked panties. Mommy inspected `Alice’s folds, being careful not to touch her needy little clit. Alice’s hole was dripping, already getting onto the couch. “This is your third pair of panties today, `Alice. I am going to get a diaper for you for the rest of the day, your pussy is too wet.”
    “Mommy no, please- I don’t like diapers. I will try to be a good girl and not get too wet I promise, please mommy” Alice begged. She found the diapers to be humiliating, and didn’t like having to pee in them. “It isn’t something that you can control, baby, you know that. It isnt your fault that your naughty little pussy is so needy, and the diaper helps to control the wetness so that you don’t drip all over the house. I know you don’t like it, but you have to wear it okay? You have to do what mommy and Ms. Barbara say- we know what’s best for you and your pussy.”
    Alice knew that it was true, and submitted to the diaper. Mommy slid it underneath her, giving her pussy a final look before securing the diaper. “There you go, good girl- now you can go on about your day,” mommy said, patting her between the legs before going to prep dinner.
    When Alice’s show finished, she realized she had to pee. Her leg was still casted, and she had a hard time getting to the washroom on her own. She called for mommy, asking her to help her go pee.
    “You have a diaper on, baby, you can ...
    ... pee now and I will change you- you are probably due for a change anyway from your drippy pussy,” mommy said to Alice’s disappointment. “Mommy please, I want to go to the toilet. I don’t like going in the diaper,” Alice begged. Mommy came to sit beside her on the couch, rubbing her back. “It’s okay baby, you can do it- just go pee- let go,” she encouraged, rubbing Alice’s back while looking down her shirt at her swollen breasts. The treatments were working, and Alice’s breasts were starting to grow.
    Alice looked at mommy, silently pleading for her to change her mind. When she realized it wasn’t going to happen, she started to focus on letting go of her bladder. She focused on Mommy’s encouraging words, and the comfort of her embrace as she tried to fight her instincts to hold it in. When the first dribble let loose, she was able to relax into Mommy’s arms, filling her diaper with warm pee. “That’s it, good girl, let it out,” mommy encouraged, stroking Alice’s face as she peed herself.
    When she was finished, Mommy changed her. Alice laid back down as mommy removed her soiled diaper. Mommy carefully wiped Alice’s naughty little pussy, patting her dry while trying not to stimulate her too much. Alice moaned anyway, every touch between her legs creating a shock to her clit. Mommy put a new diaper on her, and then went back to finish dinner.
    Alice and mommy ate dinner together, with Alice wearing one of her new bras with her diaper. Mommy said that it would make her feel ...