1. Size Queen House Slaves Ch. 4

    Date: 5/9/2024, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Incest Reluctance Slavery, Teen Male / Female Author: DiscipleN, Source: sexstories.com

    ... staring at me in the mirror. Two mommy-boobs and the thatch of dark brown cut off by the mirror's bottom edge, urged me to pull out my dick and wank like a proper Peeping Tom.
    I allowed my lungs to pant faster and louder than the speed of my slow rubbing hand.
    Mom suddenly smirked at the mirror and gave a smug grunt/squeak. She entered the shower but closed the frosted glass doors tight. That was the end of my show. Still, I remembered what she'd told me. She didn't want to be a hypocrite.
    "I'll be in my room when you've changed." I hastened to the kitchen, grabbing a cold bottle of water and stuffing it into my trousers. I had to keep my dick from exploding for the next half hour!
    When Mom had dressed and left her room, she immediately saw the gap between my bedroom door and its frame. She looked through the opening, her face two feet from the frame. The light through the door slashed across her intense gaze. She heard me, "I need to thank Dad again, for this crotch cream. I was really worried for a while." She also heard and saw my hand slapping that crotch.
    I don't know what she was thinking while watching me jerk off, but I heard occasional gasps. They weren't orgasms. I think she was uttering the opposite of a sigh. She was definitely excited by my consensual performance.
    Often, to get off quickly, I will use both hands and close my eyes to visualize something hot. I limit visions of mom. Like I said, I fantasized about her sparingly, to keep the ...
    ... fetish potent. Right then I was imagining biting her big, soft tits while I pounded nearly nine inches of thick, incestuous cock through her dark pubes. "Gods, Mom, I'm gonna fuck you." I dared to grunt loud enough for Nell down the hall to hear.
    Mom gasped but continued to watch. I suspect she gave regular glances to her daughter's door, but if Nell had heard my outburst, she would have been too angry to investigate. She would probably think that I was goading her.
    I wanked slowly and confidently with one hand, but aware that my mother was entranced by my cock and by me jerking it, I wasn't going to last long.
    A soft, contralto breezed in through the gap. "Are you going to make it cum?"
    "Oh FUCK!" My brain lit up like the forth of July. My midriff lurched and my prick thrashed. Bright spurts of sperm surged out of the tip of my dick! "Mooooommm." I gurgled and groaned, cum flying everywhere. I had planned to catch it in a rag, but my left hand was gripping it so tightly, as I convulsed and ejected semen, I nearly ground the rag down into paper. "Uunnngggh!" I sang and rocked. The last of my ejaculate bubbled out of my prick to drip sluggishly down my jerking fingers.
    Mom didn't gasp then. She gave a sly giggle and traipsed away down the hall.
    "When does Dad's shift end this week?" Nell asked before forking salad into her relaxed maw. We were eating a light meal, and had planned to eat another when Father returned.
    "You know it's tomorrow night, ...