1. Size Queen House Slaves Ch. 4

    Date: 5/9/2024, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Incest Reluctance Slavery, Teen Male / Female Author: DiscipleN, Source: sexstories.com

    ... of red tinge on my sister's cheeks was already sending blood into my dangling 8 inches. But I had pushed her far enough. I made a new offer. "How about if you hold it, or maybe rub it a little?" I let go of my soft length.
    "I-I've seen enough for today." Her voice quivered so slightly. Only people who've lived with her for eighteen plus years would have noticed.
    I leaned back and carefully zipped up my happy penis. "Good session."
    "Fuck you." She said that a lot before ending a 'session.' I wondered if the phrase signaled anything useful. Perhaps after telling me off, she finger-fucked herself back in her room. Or perhaps Nell masturbated when she didn't curse. She left my room. I set a twenty second timer.
    Twenty five seconds later, my ear was pressed to her door. I nodded at what I heard. "After she says it. Definitely." I almost laughed the words loudly.
    "Definitely what?" Mom stood at the end of the hallway, wearing her tool belt.
    "Uh, um." I cleared my throat and stood straight, stepping wide from Nell's bedroom door. "I'm definitely not spying here."
    "Hear anything good?"
    "It was very good."
    "For her or for you?"
    "I never spy and tell."
    She shook her head and ambled over. She brushed me aside, marching to her room.
    I dallied at Nell's door, not listening. I had heard what I wanted. If my sister was getting bored of my big cock, she was fantasizing about something else to make long moans and sharp heaves of breath. I should have walked ...
    ... away, patting myself on the back. Intuition kept me in the hallway, waiting.
    A glance at my parents' bedroom door gave me a clue. I was sure Mom had closed it, but now it was open enough for a horny minded son to peep through. Six big steps put me three feet away from the door. "Mom, you left your door open."
    "It wasn't an accident." She replied just loud enough to reach me.
    My mind sank further into the gutter. It was her tone, not her volume that compelled me. "You don't mind me looking in." I warned.
    "I don't want to be a hypocrite."
    My brain managed to gather enough synapses to puzzle out what she meant. I nearly leaped to plant my face at the door's opening.
    I hadn't missed the main event. She was pulling down her boxers. Panties would have chaffed her crotch, given the kind of work she performed. My dick scraped up the inside of my trousers, saluting my naked mother. I winced, but I didn't care. Ask most people, and they'll tell you that my sister is sexier and prettier than Mom. Not by much, but only I think that's horseshit. Mom has bigger tits and a bigger ass, but Nell is curvier by proportions. Maybe it's just me, but my mother's little belly bulge alone would have brought my dick to full mast.
    It's not like she stood posing naked for me. She ambled into the master bath, again leaving its door slightly open. I slipped into the bedroom and crept up to that view.
    Mother tied her hair, arms raised, her large, soft but not quite sagging breasts ...