1. Size Queen House Slaves Ch. 4

    Date: 5/9/2024, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Incest Reluctance Slavery, Teen Male / Female Author: DiscipleN, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Daughter.
    "Daughter!?" Big Sis mimicked saucily. "You sound so regal, Mommmiee." Nell smirked the last word. "Feeling like you're losing control of the family and need to reassert your authority?"
    I should have ducked and covered under the table. Nuclear first strike had been launched! Dinner had started out so communally, everyone helping to make the salad and dressing and hot wings accompaniment. Had someone spiked the hot wings with cocaine?
    Mother sent out waves of carpet bombers. "It's too late to save you from yourself, Nelda Williams. I've seen your declining grades. I've spoken with your father about how having to support you for longer than we planned. Your friend, Ailene, mentioned that you were hoping to date a guy but fucked it up - somehow - Ailene couldn't say. And someone has been stealing small bills from my wallet - is that really a new low for you, or is Craig the thief? I would believe that if you swear he is.
    I sank lower in my chair, hoping to melt into a puddle of 'don't poop on me.' Two fans on high speed flung shit back and forth across the table.
    Nell piffed, spitting micro droplets. "Pfft! I needed few bucks for batteries. I'll pay you back. I do work part-time in the business college." She didn't mention she earned half of minimum wage - education system privilege. She could barely buy herself a latte twice a week.
    During the eight dimensional chess game they were fighting, Mom grinned having forced Nell to regroup. She looked ...
    ... ready to capture her daughter's queen - which they valued far greater than the stodgy king. "Batteries? Really?"
    Nell's face turned red but not from embarrassment. She had more than enough pluck to use her vibrator during a full family dinner. The only reason she didn't was to save the other members from being embarrassed. Big Sis was angry!
    "I usually steal your batteries, but this time they were all dead! Mother explain to our fine high schooler, why you are suddenly wearing out a dozen D-cells faster than video games, when you have a competent man in your bed every night?"
    No no no no! I didn't exist at the table. I had passed down into purgatory. My butt nearly slipped off the edge of my seat.
    Mother's queen suddenly found herself surrounded. "You're the one fucking around with his stupid dick!" Her regal mein shattered. Out from the shards a sabertooth tiger leaped and roared.
    "You're the one stalking him!" Nell meant to say, "...stalking us." But my sister had arched her back and raised her fur on end all the way to the tip of her raised tail! She wasn't going to budge another inch.
    Rival, growled threats swirled over the table.
    I was about to dash to the safety of my room when both women yelled, "CRAIG!"
    My eyes ping-ponged between their antagonistic hackles. I gulped.
    "Pull it out, Son!" Mom roared. "I want to see your slut sister cower before it!"
    "HAH! As if!" Nell snorted then doubled down. "Yeah Li'l Bro, go ahead and show it to our dear ...