1. Size Queen House Slaves Ch. 4

    Date: 5/9/2024, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Domination/submission Incest Reluctance Slavery, Teen Male / Female Author: DiscipleN, Source: sexstories.com

    Big Sis sought out my dick only when she wasn't feeling horny. Because she has a libido that rivals mine and our Mother's, she asked for a 'treatment' about three times a week. It was like I was her therapist but without the fat payments.
    "Mom is keeping a sharper eye on us since she learned we were not-boinking."
    "I'm not worried." I was slowly jerking myself, sitting on my bed while she knelt before me. I had been doing it for ten minutes. My big sister always tried to talk about non-sexy things, to bolster her boredom.
    If she was trying to bore me, she failed big time. Mom's envy for Nell's access to my dick was cutting dangerously into Dad's sleep! Mom would either be on top, boning him, or beside him, running her vibrator late into the night.
    What Nell didn't know, I was tracking Mom's sexual arousal cycle. Poor Mom was about to hit her monthly peak. I wanted to be ready for it!
    "Ohh, yeaaahhh! I shouted and cum erupted from my prick!" My mommy complex was my favorite way to reach the big O, but I had to restrict using it. Opposite of Nell's goal, I never wanted to get bored of fantasizing about Mom.
    Nell had learned to stay three feet from the tip of my prick, or she'd get soaked. Each time her body or clothes caught flying spunk, she would scurry away, angry as fuck but not at me. I'd made her promise not to blame me for accidents.
    My cum arced over the carpet and crashed against the plastic sheet I'd placed between us. It had a circular target ...
    ... painted on it. When my spurts ended, and the last only oozed out of the tip, she tallied the impacts.
    "Seventeen." She looked up at me grunted. "Are you even trying to score?"
    Oh yeah I was - her. It was as good a moment as any to ask. "Are you sure you're not going to your room and masturbating after watching me?" For a while now, I hadn't seen her get even slightly aroused by my cock's towering presence. That however might be a testament to her stoic facade.
    Nell shuffled on her toes and knees. "I've had setbacks. Frankly it's none of your business."
    "I guess not, but I would like to know if your crazy scheme is actually working."
    My proud sister pursed her lips. She fumed, just as mother had, dozens of days earlier. "You ought to be plenty satisfied with your ravishing sister kneeling while you jerk off."
    "Not too long ago, you were showing me your tits."
    "I'm not proud of that." Nell's behavior during our sessions had certainly changed. Whether it reflected her success or mine I couldn't fathom.
    "Then are we done here?" My hand grabbed the zipper tab hanging under my ball sack.
    "I-I guess."
    "If you stay over an hour, I'm gonna have to charge you double." I grinned.
    "Maybe a little longer." Nell surprised me. "Can you get it hard again?"
    "Can you show me your tits?"
    My big sister actually blushed! She would rather I watched porn with better tits than hers, while jerking off for her, but she'd never admit to being inferior.
    The sight ...