1. Blood Wild

    Date: 3/18/2024, Categories: Fiction Cheating Consensual Sex Female/Female First Time Incest Lesbian Male/Female Mature Author: Frodov, Source: sexstories.com

    ... running his hands back over his closely cropped red hair wearily.
    “Coffee? Just made a fresh pot.” Lee asked.
    “Sure, sounds great... and I’ll have a piece of apple pie, if it’s fresh too.” Cam replied.
    “Coming right up.” Lee said with a smile and turned to get started on the order.
    She started to step towards the coffee machine, well, waddle anyway, almost every movement looked like she was waddling now. She started to move towards the coffee machine but halted mid-step. A look of puzzled concern came over her face and then she doubled over as if she’d been punched in the stomach.
    Cam instantly stood up and leaned over the counter to see if she was alright. Lee stood there shakily, bent over with one hand on the coffee machine counter to keep from falling. At her feet was a puddle forming around her shoes. Lee let out a painful sounding groan that drew Deeny’s and several customers’ attention as well.
    Deeny dropped everything and dashed around the back of the counter to rush to Lee’s side. Seeing the puddle and the anguished tortured look on Lee’s reddened face, she knew what it was right away. Lee’s water had just broke and she was going into labor.
    “Cam! Call an ambulance!” Deeny commanded as she took Lee by the arm and guided her around the counter to the closest booth so that she could take a seat.
    Hank came out from the kitchen wiping his hands on a towel, a look of concern on his own face. Rita, the night shift waitress had just come through ...
    ... the door as well and was quick to understand the situation. She took over Deeny’s duties so that she could tend to Lee.
    “An ambulance is on the way, but it’s going to take a while to get here. Are we okay waiting?” Cam informed Deeny and Lee.
    The first labor pain had finally subsided and Lee was panting trying to catch her breath. Deeny checked her watch for the time and awaited the next labor pain to begin. She took off her watch and handed it to Cam with the instructions to note the time when Lee had the next labor pain. Deeny then literally ran to the phone in the hallway to the restrooms and the back room so that she could call Caroline and pass along the information that it was happening.
    Caroline took the call and then called Annie before grabbing a small suitcase that was already packed and ready to go. She quickly walked out to the car and tossed the bag in the back seat before hastening over to the workshop to tell Duke it was time to go. He dropped everything and rushed to the car. He already had it started and in gear before Caroline even got her door open to get into the car. A little excited, he was.
    Back at the diner, it became apparent that the labor pains were coming far too frequently to consider waiting on the ambulance to get to the mother to be. Cam made a call on his radio to the dispatcher at the sheriff’s station, his own wife Trina. Trina called Gerald who was on patrol and let him know what was happening.
    Cam got a call on the radio from ...