1. Blood Wild

    Date: 3/18/2024, Categories: Fiction Cheating Consensual Sex Female/Female First Time Incest Lesbian Male/Female Mature Author: Frodov

    Blood Wild
    (Prequel to Blood Wrong)
    Geraldine awoke with a start. There was a commotion outside. The bedroom she shared with her younger sister Lee overlooked the back porch of the old house. It was very hot all that day and well into the night, so the girls had their windows wide open in hopes of whatever errant breezes might happen along. Still, well after two in the morning, the gauzy linen curtains hung limp and all their blankets and sheets had been kicked off. Their pillows were as damp as their hair from perspiration.
    Getting carefully out of bed so as not to wake Lee who was still sleeping, Geraldine crept over to the open window to glance down into the back yard off the porch. The commotion that had awakened her was the raucous noise from a drunken fool rolling about on the ground still holding a bottle and trying to sing. Or at least that was part of the commotion, the other being her mother who was disgustedly beating at the rolling figure with a straw broom usually used for sweeping dirt and debris off the porch. In this instance Deeny, as everyone called her, determined it was still being used to sweep dirt away. Making a face that bordered on sneering, she spat out the window and turned to go back to bed.
    With a huff, she lay back down in the bed she shared with her sister Lee. Lee roused a bit and asked what was going on. Deeny took a deep breath and puffed out her cheeks blowing it out in the form of a perturbed sigh.
    “Pa’s home… Mom is angry ...
    ... as usual.” She said quietly but with a touch of venom.
    “Been drinking again?” Lee asked timidly.
    “Been?... Still is!” She spat out disgustedly.
    “Guess that’s why mom’s angry.” Lee offered.
    “Well, I’m sure it didn’t matter any worse that he was drunk again.” Deeny murmured and fanned herself with a fan made of folded paper glued to a popsicle stick.
    The fanning motion moved the heavily moisture laden air about actually cooling both her and her sister Lee somewhat. The surface of their skin, that was bare beyond their thin cotton gowns, was still beaded with sweat. The electric fan wasn’t working again. Perhaps because the electricity had been turned off yet again as well. It was almost normal now, it had happened so often this past couple of years. Just another deprivation that they knew they must endure when times were hard.
    "The name she gave was Caroline…
    Daughter of a miner…
    Her ways were free…
    It seemed to me…
    That sunshine walked beside her"…
    (((Full Lyrics to the song)))
    The name she gave was Caroline
    Daughter of a miner
    Her ways were free
    It seemed to me
    That sunshine walked beside her
    She came from Spencer
    Across the hill
    She said her pa had sent her
    'cause the coal was low
    And soon the snow
    Would turn the skies to winter
    She said she'd come
    To look for work
    She was not seeking favors
    And for a dime a day
    And a place to stay
    She'd turn those hands to labor
    But the times were hard, ...