1. Blood Wild

    Date: 3/18/2024, Categories: Fiction Cheating Consensual Sex Female/Female First Time Incest Lesbian Male/Female Mature Author: Frodov, Source: sexstories.com

    ... Trina moments later passing along instructions from the Sheriff, Gerald, to load Lee and Deeny up in his cruiser and head towards the hospital. The Sheriff would join him enroute to provide further escort as well as radioing ahead to alert the Kansas City PD and the hospital.
    “Come on, girls. Your ride is already here. I’m taking you to the hospital.” Cam said.
    “How fast can you go?” Deeny asked as she helped Lee stand up from the seat in the booth.
    “As fast as needs to be.” Cam replied, taking one of Lee’s hands to assist Deeny leading her towards the door.
    “Good, because her contractions are coming very close together. This baby isn’t going to wait much longer.” Deeny informed him.
    Cam and Deeny got Lee loaded into the back seat of Cam’s cruiser. Deeny dashed back into the diner to collect her and Lee’s purses and a handful of towels, just in case, before joining Lee in the back seat. Cam then lit up the lights and turned on the siren before peeling out of the parking lot headed towards the interstate.
    Gerald had swung by the Branson place, now where he lived as well, with Annie, his new bride, to pick Annie up. They, too, then raced towards the interstate with lights flashing and siren blaring. They never did catch Cam and the girls, however, because they had too big a head start, at least not on the interstate. They did pull in right behind them at the hospital in Kansas City.
    After the nurses and doctors got Lee onto a gurney and rushed her into the ...
    ... delivery room, Cam and Gerald parked their cruisers before going inside to wait. Deeny and Annie went with Lee to the delivery room. About twenty minutes after Gerald and Cam had taken a seat in the waiting room, they were joined by Duke... Caroline had made a beeline to the delivery room despite a nurse’s protestations to the contrary. The three men laughed at the situation knowing there was no force on earth or in hell that would keep the mother of the mother away from this birth.
    At 5:21 PM, a baby boy, Tommy, came into this world kicking and screaming. He didn’t even need to be spanked. He was perfect, healthy and strong, even if a little on the small side at birth. Mom, Lee, was also healthy and fine. She smiled as only a new mother can when the nurses placed Tommy in her arms for the first time. His little fingers instantly wrapping around one of her fingers.
    Lee cried tears of happiness, and tears of sadness as well... if only Tom could have been here to witness the birth of his child... of their child. But, she thought, she would always have a piece of Tom, in her little Tommy.
    Understandably, Lee was off work from the diner for some time after giving birth to little Tommy. The Simmons home became something of a destination for friends and family for weeks to come. Annie, in particular, was there nearly every day, at least for a little while.
    Lee was also visited by girls she had gone to school with, including Trina, Cam’s bride and the new ...