1. Blood Wild

    Date: 3/18/2024, Categories: Fiction Cheating Consensual Sex Female/Female First Time Incest Lesbian Male/Female Mature Author: Frodov, Source: sexstories.com

    ... him.
    Caroline first called Annie, who deferred to Lee as Annie’s had no family locally other than her late son Tom. She didn’t think it would be right to bury him next to J.D. Caroline agreed and after speaking with Duke and Lee, they decided to have Tom buried in the Simmons’ family plot. Caroline made the return call to the Army officer and the arrangements were made.
    It was a somber occasion that sunny Saturday afternoon when Tom was laid to rest. Lee was surrounded by her family graveside as the coffin was carried by the honor guard and set in place. The eulogy was made by the same pastor who had married Tom and Lee. The flag that had been draped over the coffin was folded and presented to Lee who was dressed in head to toe in black with even a black veil. The black did not disguise the fact that she was indeed pregnant.
    The twenty-one-gun salute was fired off then the bugle played Taps as the coffin was lowered into the grave. Lee sat beside the grave clutching the folded flag and holding a single red rose as friends and well wishers stopped briefly to offer their condolences. Lee could only nod her head silently to acknowledge them.
    When all but Caroline, Duke, Annie and Gerald, and Deeny and Yvonne had left. Lee finally stood and stepped to the side of the grave. She brought the rose to her lips and kissed it before gently dropping it atop of the shiny wooden casket. She then bent down and picked up a handful of the soil that had been removed when the ...
    ... grave was dug, then held it over the open grave and let it fall as well.
    Lee took one more long deep breath and tilted her head back to look at the heavens as if to speak directly to her Tom. After a long minute or so, she lowered her head and turned to walk away from the grave, still clutching the flag as if it were a life preserver instead of a silent symbol of sacrifice.
    Life goes on, for those who are still living. Time has a way of dulling the pain of loss even if it never fully eliminates that pain. But even as past happiness is fondly remembered and often grieved over when it’s lost, new joys are found and... life goes on.
    It was late one Thursday afternoon, nearing the end of Lee’s shift at the diner. She and Deeny were holding down the fort. Yvonne had gone to Kansas City to see a doctor about her mother. The woman had been refusing her medications and had developed complications that required forms signed by someone with the power of attorney, that being Yvonne.
    Lee had just started a fresh pot of coffee on the coffee machine and was turning at the sound of the bells over the door to see who had just come in the diner. It was Cam, smiling as usual, he waved to Deeny who was on the other side of the diner waiting on a table. Lee smiled and stepped up to the counter opposite of where Cam perched on a stool.
    “Hi handsome.” Lee offered in way of greeting.
    “Hi beautiful.” Cam responded, setting his hat down on the counter beside him and ...