1. Sex With My Mom's Friends--Brandon and Sasha--Part 2

    Date: 8/18/2015, Categories: Love Stories, Author: prairiedogg, Source: LushStories

    ... wrong with me. I have to ask you though; did you have anything to do with the decision to have us take turns doing solos?" "No, not at all. It was entirely the band's decision. They only asked me if I would be able to adjust your mike levels when you did the solo." "Okay, I just wanted to be sure that this isn't because my boyfriend is the sound engineer. It wouldn't look good if the crew knows we are sleeping together and then I get special treatment. What else do we have to talk about?" "Well," I began. "There are a few things. First, would you like to bunk with me for the rest of the tour? I can have the tour manager arrange for it. It wouldn't be any trouble, and it would put our relationship out in the open for the rest of the crew. What do you think?" "I'd love to play roommates with you, Brandon. My roomies already guessed that we were involved, so they are cool with us being together, so, yes. I'd love to wake up next to you in a different city each day." "Good, I'll make all of the arrangements. I'll have the hotel staff get your bags and move them to my suite. Then when we hit the road on Sunday our stuff will be kept together and we'll share a room the rest of the way." Since there were a lot of dates across Europe this would be exciting for both of us. Not only would we have each other, but we could also explore the many cities as a couple. I really wanted this. "Now this next part is a little tricky," I said. "You have to promise me that you'll hear me out and ...
    ... understand. Four years ago, when I visited my mother back in the San Francisco area, I became involved with two women during the week that I was there. Ordinarily this wouldn't have been such a big deal, but they were my mother's best friends, both in their 50's and both former teachers of mine." Sasha sat upright and leaned closer to me, as if to better hear me and understand. there was no change of expression in her face, which I took as a good sign. "It turned out that not only were they involved with me, they were involved with each other, and also with my mother." "Wait a minute," Sasha interrupted. "You mean that you got it on with two older women who also happened to be bisexuals and they were sleeping with your mother as well? That's pretty complicated, Brandon." "That's exactly what it was. I was shocked that Mom was into women, but they had been life-long friends. When Dad died I didn't expect Mom to become a hermit, but I was more than a little surprised that she would be sleeping with two women, much less the two women who had seduced me. We have since moved on from that, and I sat down with Mom to tell her that I approved of her lifestyle choice. I even had the three of them in Los Angeles for a weekend together and a concert I was working. Everything is good between us and I haven't seen them since." "Wow, Brandon, that's quite a lot to absorb, but it was four years ago. What's past is past, I like to say, so it doesn't change anything as far as I'm concerned. If ...