1. Sex With My Mom's Friends--Brandon and Sasha--Part 2

    Date: 8/18/2015, Categories: Love Stories, Author: prairiedogg, Source: LushStories

    ... know where to begin. She's just a sweetheart, and I couldn't be happier for both of you. You know, Jeri and I were hoping we could rekindle some of the old passion we shared with you, but this is even better. Do you think she's the one?" "Yes, Brenda, I really do. I know it's early for us, but I just light up when I see her. You know that you and Jeri will always have a special place in my heart and, under different circumstances, we would be hooking up, for sure." "I know that, Brandon. Just so you'll know, there will always be room in my bed for you, anytime, anywhere." I didn't know how to respond to that, so I just smiled and gave her a peck on the cheek. The show was incredible, possibly the best performance of the tour. The band was in rare form, probably due to having a couple days off, but also because of the setlist changes. The older, more obscure songs were met with enthusiastic cheers and even sing-alongs. I think that some of them will remain in the list for the duration of the tour. But the undisputed star of the show was my Sasha. She absolutely nailed her solo spot, earning her a standing ovation that lasted three minutes. When she was finished, she tried to return to the large pedestal she shared with the other singers, but two of the band members were determined to let her bask in her glory and they kept her out front while the audience went wild. I really struggled to keep from bawling my eyes out as the applause and cheers for Sasha went on and on. I was ...
    ... so happy for her, so proud of her and so much in love with her at that moment. Since the sound board is located about two-thirds back on the main floor, and is surrounded by the audience, I was able to hear some of the comments following her solo. They were all raving about her and wondered why she hadn't recorded anything. After the show ended and I wrapped up my duties, I literally ran backstage to find Sasha. She was surrounded by the other singers and some of the crew. When they saw me coming, they parted and allowed me to sweep her into my arms and give her a big, old kiss. Then the singers and crew began to applaud as we kissed and hugged. As we left to go find Jeri and Brenda, I asked Sasha if the other singers were okay with her successful debut. "Oh, they were so happy," she said. "They are thinking about going to the band and asking them if I can just continue doing that." "You mean every night?" "Yes. They loved it and they both feel that they can't top it. I told them that it isn't a competition but they feel strongly about it. They were so happy for me!" We met up with Jeri and Brenda and they were blown away by Sasha's performance as well. I had a large taxi waiting for us and we got inside and headed to the restaurant, Le Cinq, in the Four Seasons Hotel. Le Cinq was recommended to me by our hotel manager. He said that any fan of fine French dining simply had to dine there, and he went out of his way to secure me a table. The ladies were very impressed from the ...