1. Sex With My Mom's Friends--Brandon and Sasha--Part 2

    Date: 8/18/2015, Categories: Love Stories, Author: prairiedogg, Source: LushStories

    ... not to sound too eager, as I wasn't sure if she was that serious about it. "Oh, I think that with the right woman, or women, I could see myself doing it. Of course, you would have to be a part of it. And it couldn't be a stranger it would have to be with someone we felt comfortable with. You were fortunate to have Jeri and Brenda. I wish we could find someone like that." Of course, if Sasha had expressed a desire to be in a threesome to Jeri and Brenda they would have taken her up on it in the blink of an eye. Fortunately we wouldn't have to worry about that, as they were leaving Paris in the morning. "But it's just a fantasy for now," she said. "Right now I've got everything I need right here in this bed." I kissed her and we put down our wine glasses. Fortunately we took off the blanket and comforter before we had sex, so they were dry. Sasha fell against me as we bundled up under the blanket and she fell quickly to sleep. I lay there thinking about her fantasy for a long time before sleep overtook me. You can guess what I was dreaming about that night. Our run in Paris became a memory, and the remainder of the tour flew by. Sasha continued to wow the crowds as the backup singer with the solo turn and our romance only ...
    ... deepened with every stop. Finally, the last concert came and went. The tour was over. Everyone was going their separate ways, the other singers, the crew and the band. Sasha and I were going to fly to Los Angeles, where I asked her to move in with me. I had plenty of room and Los Angeles was a great place for her to interview with some recording executives who wanted her to lay down some tracks on a possible solo album. Just as things were settling down for us, I received a phone call from Mom. She was scheduled for surgery in one week to have a couple stents placed to relieve some mild blockage in her heart. She reassured me that it wasn't a big deal, but I was having none of that. It was serious enough, even if it was not life-threatening right now. Nevertheless, I wanted to be there. Fortunately, Sasha didn't have anything going on, so she was thrilled to be able to go with me. I had hoped to introduce her to Mom under better circumstances, but this would have to do. As I made plans I thought back to Sasha's fantasy. She never mentioned it again after that one night in Paris, but now we were going to be in Sunnyvale for a few days or even a week. With Jeri and Brenda so close by, would she be able to resist thinking about it then? 