1. Sex With My Mom's Friends--Brandon and Sasha--Part 2

    Date: 8/18/2015, Categories: Love Stories, Author: prairiedogg, Source: LushStories

    The telegram from Jeri unnerved me a little. I'm sure that she and Brenda meant well, and a night in bed with the two of them would be perfect here in Paris under ordinary circumstances, but these were no ordinary times. I have fallen in love with Sasha, and I had to let them know that sex was out of the question. The band had a three-night engagement in Paris, so I could have passes held at the door for them. I quickly composed a reply to give them this information. Jeri, thanks for the offer, but I've met someone while on tour. It is the real thing and we are madly in love with each other, so we cannot have relations. I'm going to have backstage passes ready for both you and Brenda for any show you like. I'd like for you both to meet Sasha. Perhaps a late dinner after the show. Just let me know, so I can make plans. Love, Brandon There was no other way to let them know, so I hoped that the straightforward approach would work. I dearly love both Jeri and Brenda, and I'll always cherish the memories of four years ago and our time together in bed, but I couldn't jeopardize my relationship with Sasha that way. Sasha was going to meet me for tea after the sound check. I would come clean with her about everything and hope that what happened in the past wouldn't put our future together at risk. The sound check went well. Since we have three nights in Paris, the band has decided to mix up the set each night, adding some of their older, more obscure songs they haven't played in a ...
    ... while. That are also giving the backup singers a chance to showcase their talents, giving each of the three ladies a bit of a solo over the three nights. Sasha is first up, at tonight's show, so I'm very excited and happy for her. These girls work very hard every night, so it's nice that the band is giving them each an opportunity to show the audience what they can do. It also can help their careers, as a favorable review from a music critic can help open some doors that might not have been open previously. On my way to meet Sasha for tea, I stopped by the front desk to check on messages. Sure enough, there is one from Jeri and Brenda. They got into Paris late this morning and wondered if I could have tickets for them at the box office for tonight's show. I replied that it would be my pleasure and told them where to meet me so that I could give them their passes. When I got to the café Sasha was waiting on me. She seemed very excited about her solo turn tonight. "Hello, darling," I said to her as I bussed her cheek and sat down. "We've got a lot to talk about today, but first I want to tell you how happy I am about your chance in the spotlight tonight. You aren't nervous, are you?" Sasha smiled. Her smile seems to put me at ease and tells me that all is well in our world. "Thank you, Brandon. I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't a little nervous, but it's a good kind of nervous. Can you understand that? It's just butterflies, and if I didn't have them there would be something ...